Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

well assuming have an new missile system is the same as a new cannon for a tank, the SU-30 has TVC which will change how you play the aircraft and make it much more capable. what about 5th gen when that arrives, thats a whole new set of everything.


Odd… Because I recall Smin stating the Indian OSA was planned for a later update and was just moved up.

I am happy for you guys long over due

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Lol we used to make fun of the french as being the whiney ones here before the “MUH COMMONWEALTH” guys showed up and proved to be much much worse lmao



But it could be fun that France got ONE of it’s Milan launcher, since, you know… Milan missile is French-German join operation, with a French name, and France still don’t have any Milan launcher in the TT ?


Ah here:

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Huh, all I can recall is it being added specifically because some people where asking for it over on the Devserver forum of the time.
Sadly that board of the forum isn’t viewable anymore.

imagine this treatment for the other indian vehicles cough cough rafale cough cough mirrage 2000

SK-105 was never planned for the French tree.

Also funny how most export fighters for Germany came a minimum of 1 update after USSR or the US got them despite the “whining”.

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what tank/carrier carry it?

Mytho posted it, we were right gajin pushed it agter feedback

Someone seems strangly really spicy that France get a vehicle wich use 50% of French tech.


It was planed for a later update but due to feedback it came earlier

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I just saw it, I posted my reply before I could process the quotes

“the SEPv3 has new NGAP armor which will change how you play the tank and make it much more capable.”

You see how easy it is to change that same sentence for more modern versions of tanks too?

EDIT: not to mention all the cold war prototypes and other cool upcoming stuff.


Sk105, DF105, for me it’s the same, Gaijin give what make France original to Germany only first.

They are ready to take from TT that lack players what make them unique, for feed the fat other TT that don’t need that and already have more vehicles.

If you don’t see that like that, you just sound like an hypocrit.


I just won’t play it lol, but i’ve heard it is the best spawn camper killer with the 120mm and relaod

Well, people were crying for it, but that only moved up to be an addition, to the same update.

But even they it took a few days of crying for that to happen, rather than less than a day for the Car.

its just slower than the TTS but u get gen 2 thermal and M829A1
pain it is but if u hit shot and find hull down u good
it just so slow tho

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