Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

guys how much ray tracing do you want?
gaijin: all of it

@Smin1080p_WT could you ask the Devs to dial it down a bit for cockpit MFDs? they are way to mirrory

this is DCS in comparison


If we’re lucky we’re getting the F-2. But yes a Thai Gripen would be kinda cool. I think it and the Thai F-16A would be the only ones that could use AGM-65Ds at top tier? Outside the P-1 that is.

With AESA in-game on an aircraft (Heli) and PESA on a top tier fighter. I think the F-2 is becoming more likely to come sooner rather than later

I don’t want to get my hopes up but I’m still hopeful. Surely before the EFT which was already delayed to 2025, meaning it was possibly planned already for Dec 2024 and got moved to either March 2025 or June 2025.

I still cant think of any reason for it to be delayed other than US/USSR complaining about it. But yeah, No Reason to delay the F-2

ABC (Argentina, Brazil, Chile) Ground Forces Techtree Look at this, it could work really well.

If LATAM doesn’t get its own tech tree, Israel would be the next best fit. Israel doesn’t have a lot of other options: Singapore seems more likely to go to Japan or China, and Turkey hasn’t exactly been Israel’s closest ally lately. Turkey could even get its own tech tree similar to Israel’s.

Most LATAM vehicles are lighter, and a lot of them use Israeli munitions and missile tech, so they’d actually complement Israel quite well. Plus, LATAM didn’t participate directly in WWII, and its military development really took off in the mid 20th century, just like Israel’s (with heavily modified American and French vehicles).


If the F-4EJ Kai and F-15J(M), Japanese modifications of US vehicles, aren’t domestic, then neither is the F-2.

By those standard only US Russia, France and China operate fully domestic airframes for combat jets, and maybe not even China cuz of how much they “borrow” from Russia and the West

Those arent quite the same though. Iirc most parts of the F-2 are different from the F-16.

Mitsubishi used the existing F-16 design as a reference guide for design work, and more than 95% of F-16 engineering drawings are changed for F-2.[24][25]

Some differences in the F-2 from the F-16A:

Also, the F-2 is equipped with a drogue parachute,[26] like the version of the F-16 used by South Korea, the Netherlands, Norway, Greece, Turkey, Indonesia, Taiwan, and Venezuela.


Whilst they maintain similarities and the F-2 is certainly a variant of the F-16 the modifications I beleive were more extensive than either the F-15 or F-4 were from waht I understand (though not an expert on Japanese aircraft, so take that with a pinch of salt)


That’s what he said, not what I said.


I seem to have misunderstood. What your first comment agreeing with me?


I see.

Yea I don’t know why they’d hold it back unless they plan to make it into a monster but that’s not really what it is. It’s no EFT or Rafale.

I reckon its just AESA fear or figuring out code for it

By far, EJ Kai was mostly the new radar, F-15J(M) literally just a license made MSIP with very slightly different engines and some electronics swapped with japanese ones. F-2 a full airframe overhaul, new weapons, and radar.

The F-15J(M) is the MTDP, not MSIP, unless something has changed since the Seek and Destroy dev server.

AESA fear doesn’t make sense from a capability standpoint, as the AAM-4 still only has a PD seeker. It’s probably that Gaijin just wants another Apex Predators/Air Superiority/Seek and Destroy, where a bunch of them are added at the same time.

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Can’t wait for some quality Missile ships :D CIWS go BBBBBBUUUUUUURRRRRRTTTTTT