Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

And what reason would they have? They already got top tier CAS and air.

wot looks with wt symbology (not in a bad way)

multiple nations have gone without top tier cas and air at times only way to avoid this is to play us,ussr

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just the UK OSA I think.

Still cant get over giant “MISSILE” written on it missile banks

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An Indian Osa was already within our future plans and a skin was already ready in preparation. Based on feedback, this was something possible to revise and implement quite quickly.


Yes and I am exercising my snail given right to complain about it, just like every other WT player has done.

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2.2 GB for one vehicle seems to much there must be something more, maps?

also, isnt 10.3 km for the 9M33M3 a bit… short?

Thank you very much i found it odd that it wasn’t coming with the rest

i guess you got a few more Indian vehicles planed down the line then

Thanks for that :)


According to a manual of some sorts, it is a correct range.


one they wrote themselves with some crayons or one they can actually show us to prove its right

idk if u saw that

new textures for the LG variants

Give me a sec, i have it somewhere

Why does German air always have to be in future plans? Why can’t it be in current plans for once?

  • Modernised Tornado? Only after Britain got one.
  • MiG-29G? Only after Russia got the SMT
  • MiG-29A? Only after Russia got theirs
  • F-4F? Only after literally every other nation got theirs
  • MiG-21? Only after Russia gets theirs

This happens. Again. And again. And again.


The Coelian shouldn’t be any more difficult than this, just sayin

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nah dw, i somehow trust a random guy on a forum more than gaijin so i believe ya