Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

I’m also looking forward to the Ram.

Hopefully, they give the UK its Ram II that it has been waiting forever for as well.


As a German player, whose 95% of his game time was and is on the German techtree, I love the Leopard 2A4M CAN. It looks fantastic and is an incredible premium, especially if it comes with the bar armor, mine protection and the thermal blanket (if the thermal blanket is functional and you get something better than DM43, it will be perfect, but I highly doubt that will happen).

As a thinking and sometimes rational person, pretending to be objective even if I am just a subject, it bothers me a lot that Germany is receiving Leopard 2A4M CAN (damn, I know, my inner being still wants it).
It’s complicated, mixed feelings. The Canadian community does not deserve to be treated like a whore, as an Argentinian I cannot not have empathy with them. Of all the countries currently in the game, Canada is treated the worst when its vehicles are added.

T-90 Indian is and will be the worst addition in WT. GB didn’t need it, it could have been added to Russia, however Gaijin preferred the Indian vehicles to be all together and in the British TT. This case is emblematic to represent this double standard and this mistreatment of the Canadian community.

The Germans could still receive the Leopard 2A4T1, the NG from Turkey or the L2 Revolution to fulfill the same mission.

Even some fans, we would pay for a thoroughbred 2A4, since the current versions of 2A4 are vehicles from the first series (pre-series, A1, A2 and A3 adapted to the A4 standard).

It had to be said and it was said.


Yeah Gajins inconsistence cause their to be so much frustration


I’m over it now. But just to twist the knife on myself, and by extension both the British and USSR/Ru communities, the T-90S saved UralVagonZavod, and therefore helped save Russian tank production in the 2000’s. The T-90M would not be the way it is, if at all, or at least in the amount of numbers and progress in technology where it is now if not for the Indian order of T-90S to counter the Pakistani order of T-80U’s.

The UK gets to honor this legacy by playing the Bhisma, whether they like it or not. I truly believe the Bhisma would’ve been a cheerished jewel in the Russian “tree”, but I digress, lol.

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To test this we need a Pantsir and a helicopter spaming rockets.

And a high altitude jet dropping an LGB.

Well i would rather Canadian stuff then Indian but Gajin seems to be leaning to India


Oh certainly, there 's much to expect w/ the evidence for submarines, ARH AShM 's and VLS SAM 's, and player-controlled aircraft carriers all present. The beginning of 16in battleship additions in the upcoming major is only positive as a forward step towards the planned future !


It’s turning the UK into a hybrid tree if this continues for long. Which frankly shouldn’t bother anyone as we don’t have a Blufor vs. Redfor game mode (might be cool), but it will launder tech that is just different from the ground up to a lineup that plays a particular way (apparently not a good enough play style as a different style was needed and justified the addition of the T-90S to the UK, lmao).


I agree with this statement,

If they add a Turkish Leo instead of a Canadian one they will make millions from it.

Adding a Leo into Germany because it’s a Leo just goes to show they are afraid.
Of the German player base and don’t care about the rest.

Also I want to ask why is it only Russian vehicles that getting add to fill whole not other nations


i don’t want them to go too far with it

I just don’t understand how gaijin thinks India is more commonwealth than Canada is


Whats worse Cf18 to UK which they used the F/A18 as stop gap for a bit or the Rafale

not saying they would add that but its just funny to thing about


Knowing them they will add sub Canadian variant to fill out the ranks in rank 9 props to America lol

i mean, the turkish one could end up in italian tree as well, besides that germany has less rights to that one, the modification is completly self developed by turkey

also would keep Turkish stuff together

I would like but I’m still out.

I agree. My stance on Canadian stuff is this:

With the UK sub-tree slot full my only hope to have Canadian stuff in the same place is a TT. At this point, I’d take what few unique models in-game with C&P at least I’d have a correct line-up.


Please all support.

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eh there is arguments against it, like the special skin series already being spread everywhere and germany basicaly having a standard turkish 2a4, we will see. its always hard to say because i doubt italy is getting any more nation considering how strong of an addition hungary is

Well we will see their Air seems to very strong now