Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

As expected, one side will cry, funny and … where’s my popcorn?)



all it would take is them getting the 2A7 HU and then germany will be irrelevent!

What are you on

You we are talking about other stuff

eh depends, i dont see the 2a7hu coming soon realy, hungary still didnt fully display it which is an requirement. and germany easily could get 2a7v variants with aps as well if that happens

me waiting for Challenger 3 with trophy properly mounted

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doesnt exist yet does it?

well both do just not together

the Tech demo showed it off, which is what the current “Challenger 3” we have is.

That was a mockup

mock up, that is the reason it didnt receive it

Funny as most mains are still at anger lol

Im aware its a mockup, i imagine they will show a proper APS mounted CR3 sometime this year (if we even do adopt it lmao)

@_Fleks is one of them

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We will adopt it we should see it as they already tested the turret with Trophy we just have yet to see it mounted fully on the Prototype

Rather, the main UK are in the stage: “Depression” and “Bargaining”

You put an Indian tech tree with a South African subtree from the beginning, and it made a lot more sense. It seems that Gaijin just realized that one in seven people in the world lives there.

Interesting question.

In Argentina we say that “we lift a stone and find a potential football player”
In WT we say “we lifted a stone and found a Soviet vehicle.” lol


M8 that every main and you know it

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I know main cry as they’re supposed to)

are you ever not trying to start something

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Bro I DABDA’d real fast through the whole Bhisma saga when it happened. Took about 3 days, but wew lad, that was some emotion, lmao.