Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

If you really want to go down the rabbit hole there is also the possibility for the 200 Night attack with a FLIR nose in place of the radar, would be a good 10.3/7 as well

here what I thibk they will do…

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It’s a GE vehicle so it will go on sale this summer AFAIK, and at 4-5k GE it will be worth the grab only because it’s collectible, being used in 91 and 93, and being the basis for the Ukrainian tanks since then, it’s worth putting in the stable. At 10.0 it’s unusable as 10.0 is saturated with crap now. 10.3 is window dressing, but it would’ve been nice to see them give it thermals and 3BM46 and put it at 10.7/11.0 as either lineup at that BR could use the addition.

R-77 doesn’t need the same size pylons as the R-27, btw.

Morv, doesn’t the TV mode as currently planned have it tracking on it’s own?

If so, it’s not as cool as it could be with man-in-the-loop, but it’s not going to be the worst CAS at it’s tier man. The Su-17M2 still exists lol.

Yeah they just made it a normal Tv guided

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Technically yes, but that means

  • you are limited by whatever range the TV sight lets you lock on

  • locating the target only using a TV sight

The missiles (based upon what I saw in the dev post) struggled Vs a moving target.

To use them, you will have to fully enter the range of any and all SPAA and pray it both lets you lock quickly and actually hits.

You should be able to fire them like 20km from the map, turn away and then take control of the missile guiding it in

When you consider our other 10.3 CAS is super sonic and has a gen 2 thermal Tpod. Just doesn’t seem worth it

The su-17 though does have the advantage of not being a fragile sub sonic as well

no reason to use the buc over the Jag especially if the thermals on the jag get buffed

Yep, I could see me taking both, Buc for that stand off/SEAD . But Jag for general purpose.

Now Jag is better for both

Yeah but the su17m2 has no flares normal r60s and the laser guided stuff has a 1x non tracking sight which has what feels like 10 degrees of fov

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This is how it works for basically everyone, considering Air Spawns relative to the Ground Spawns of the enemy team where SPAA usually is. It seems to lock just fine, btw.

Okay. I understand this is how it works, but let me read it back to you in a way you may not be considering.

“You should be able to fire them far enough away from SPAA, turn away to be almost unspottable and certainly unhittable, and then guide the missile in on SPAA so you can clear the SPAA of the enemy entirely before doing your actual CAS run”. I don’t care if the thing is slow and fragile, it’s not getting hit at 20km with a Pantsir, not as the game has made the Pantsir at least. And this thing is proposed at 10.3, no? So you’re looking at Strela-10M2’s and maybe Type 81(c)'s in an uptier, everyone else is pure IR at that BR.

Yep, I’d take that too.

The M2 has the lovely advantage of no FnF A2G weaponry and no countermeasures at 11.0 :) It’s WAAAAY worse, lol.

not yet

I’m happy for the buffs that SPAAs got in the dev server. Removal of multipathing effect means stronger locks and that helicopters can no longer hug the deck for protection.

GBUs release speed nerf is also a plus for high tier SPAAs.

I’m so looking forward to the Ram and the Finnish KV-1

From my short research, this SET-type( antisubmarine homing ) torpedo is used by air-launch and shipborne ASROC complexes. Here 's an example of a ship that uses it, a Pr.11451:

Since it 's a model 1972, I’d assume the air-launch platform would be IL-38.

Does anyone have images of this torp yet ? If we can see that it has the rocket booster or parawings modelled, we may be able to narrow down the vehicle it 's intended to be used on later.


Will this effect targeting radars, I currently have just memorized the Y-menu Y->1->4 esc. to switch to IR for helis. Would be nice to not necessarily have to do that anymore.

Also, is it going to improve the quality of the lock? I still occasionally get fake TWS version of PESA BS that screws up the lock on my Pantsir, and I’d like to not have to worry about that anymore.

Thanku @gszabi99_HUN


It wasn’t added for being Canadian though. It was to give the UK tree a self-contained SPAA with <8km range.

I was against copy-paste Soviet vehicles and the Indian T-90S, by the way. I specifically made a post about it before the September 2023 update.

I don’t know when it’s coming, but there has to be an absolutely massive MASSIVE naval update in the works. There’s no point to add ASROC’s to ships without subs, and at that tier, they’ve got to have BR rebalancing and a TON of content to add at some point.

If WT gets modern Naval warfare down right (balanced between arcade game features, and realism) it will seriously disrupt the market.


Anyone seen this yet?
Screenshot (686)