Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Would rather have this, to not have an IFV for another 3-6 months, fairly.

It is better than absolutely nothing, but being one of the 10 people insane enough to play the 9030 I think the 9035 is gonna be pretty mediocre and unfortunately won’t help French 9.X much.

na gaijin would say the Ajax and EBRC are to advanced just ignore the 2s38 comrade


Man… Maybe I’m late to the party but hearing about this potential French (Dutch) CV90 is bothering me. I just hope it’s a mistake by the leaker or something, if I played France I’d rather go without an addition than to get some BS that doesn’t make any sense at all, when, as I understand it, France has several indigenous options they’ve been waiting a long time for, which will make this potential addition very frustrating.

If they insist on adding the Dutch CV90 specifically , if anyone should get it, it’s Germany, as it makes sense for it to be there given the German/Dutch connection and it would feel nice, at least to me, if we could give back to Germany for once, considering that they’ve “given” us Sweden players a lot of German vehicles, if the Germans themselves even want a CV90 in their tree, maybe they don’t because Germany, like France, still has more of their own IFVs to add.

I really hope this leak either isn’t true or they change their minds by the time they decide to add it, and that it isn’t just a case of Gaijin being lazy/cheap by figuring they can cut corners and make one vehicle and give it to several nations even when it’s clearly not the best solution for the health/integrity of the nations.

Maybe I’m way off the mark here or just repeating what’s already been said but I felt like writing something about this topic.

TLDR You’d potentially be pissing off France, Sweden and maybe Germany by adding a CV90 to the French tree.


Let’s sign an agreement in advance on the fair division of other CT40 carriers.
Like Patria AMV and Boxer.
For France or Britain?))))))

IIRC, there is also a warrior with CTA40, right?

god no germany is the last nation that needs another IFV lol they already have 2 marder, the puma, Vilkas and begleitpanzer, they dont need a CV90 as well. They are meant to be getting a puma with spikes at somepoint I know that



yeah I felt like we would have got it back when the CV9040s got added since they would have preformed similarly but nope

and Cv90 made for Uk that has one

and also a Bradley but that could go to US

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I forgot about that lol

And early ajax version.

Add them all, as long as they go to either France or Britain, they’re the two that worked on CTA40.

Also, here two other intresting CTA40’s platform for France:



And, on a more known chassis.



I think we’ll have typhoon before ASRAAM

still the later one is fully compatible with all AIM-9, Magics, and pretty much all missiles so it doesn’t need them

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at the rate gaijin is going we will see the Ajax in warthunder around the time the british MOD fixes its problems and actually put it into service so probably another 6 years lol

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And lancer FMP, TRACER SIKA.
But its made by USA/GB and CT40 gun


Yep, certainly an option for a 12+

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Good, give them all ))

Personally, two good variants for France and Britain would be as i said the EBRC and the CV90 with CTA40//Ajax, personally tho i’d prefer the CV90.

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Only thing I wish for is a FRENCH (Like, from France even tho there is very few to choose… /s) IFV. AMX 10 T40, EBRC Jaguars, Leclerc T40 or VAB CT-RWS. It look like the Mirage 3 situation all over again and even worse…

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