Yes he was on a out the Saudi one which might have better air to ground im not sure
I almost got it for SL printing in SB, but Im just not interested in grinding the German Tree
Depends what version we got. But Damocles Tpod and Paveways wouldnt be unreasonable
Well, Deathmisser wants fair… so it should just come as introduced with dumb bombs. Otherwise it would be unfair to Germany xD
My main gamemode is ASB, and guided weapons are almost worthless in that gamemode. Now the reduced BR from the lack of guided weapons is currently of no benefit (as 11.0 and 11.3 are always together) but might be handy in the future (assuming they dont get a BR reduction anyway with the split BRs) . A Premium Tornado would just print SLs in SB. If it was for Britain or Maybe Italy id probably have gotten it (semi-interested in grinding the Italian tree at some point) but just not bothered by Germany (even without guided weapons)
I hope they gonna work on more MAWS, every Mirage 2000s (except the event S4) should have 360° MAWS.
Harrier Gr7 is getting MAWS this update, or at least it was on the dev server. Im doubting 360 MAWS at the moment. The soviets havent gotten that yet. But Im guessing we will get it sooner rather than later
I know for the Gr7, that’s why i want them more :p
It’s not 360 on the GR7?
Rear only
Oh ok, they go slowly with maws then.
No rear aspect only, buts its PD and not UV, so should only fire CMs at a missile actually coming for the Gr7
Neither is Gaijin xD
But ASB players are more the exception then the rule… the most popular modes by far are GRB and ARB, at least for top tier.
Is the coverage correct?
Fair an in good or near as good as the other 4 majors.
Yeah… That definetly is the case. So many aircraft need new BRs for SB its kinda insane. There is no logic at all. But yeah, Britain is in need of a CAS any CAS aircraft that is premium, we have none. A Tornado would be a reasonable option for that and Saudi Tornado Gr1s are right there for that option with or without guided weapons.
Uh… I have no idea, just the only figures Ive seen stated. Just gunna guess that Flame or Gunjob will report it if the coverage is wrong as they have the manuals
I’m guessing this is the MAWS, I can’t find the front ones though
In my opinion, I assumed new type armament maybe GPS/INS precision-guided munition (PGM) in the future but not now
Yeah… It would be a good pick Britain is lacking a premium “CAS” aircraft (i partially think that the Jaguar IS was meant to patch that hole). Id love a decent premium mud mover for Britain
British tree lack attack aircraft premium at 11.0 or 11.3 BR at rank VII
I’m not sure would be 2nd premium pre-order pack or premium golden eagle but assumed that maybe Harrier GR.5
That would be another option the Harrier Gr5

I’m not sure would be 2nd premium pre-order pack or premium golden eagle but assumed that maybe Harrier GR.5
That wouldn’t be bad aswell