Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

i hope fox 3 coming with this patch

June, just being tested this dev server

Already announced 2nd patch of the year, not this ome

and definetly not finished yet either

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Eurofighter and Rafale for sure.
But not EAP or X-31.
Hopefully neither a prototype Eurofighter with Tornado engines nor a similar abomination for Rafale.
A service aircraft should be the first iteration of either aircraft we see in game as far as I’m concerned.

Eurofighter Tranche 1 was equiped with Captor-C, Tranche 2 received Captor D, also called M, which can be upgraded to incorporate AESA technology. Captor-E is the first AESA radar for Eurofighter and is being designed in different versions for different customers.

Rafale was initially equipped with RBE2 which was a PESA radar. The RBE2-AA was the first AESA radar incorparated on Rafale F3.

Why no DA2

RBE2-AA came with F.3R, along with other improvements.

Yeah, the Typhoon got its AESA radar with the Tranche 3, or 3A and the Rafale with version F.3R like @WreckingAres283 said

Though I still don’t understand their vague reasoning for why there will be no Typhoon/Rafale in the foreseeable future.

Only reason I can think of is that they forgot that they could be equipped with Aim-9 and are operating as if they could only use ASRAAM/IRIS-T

Because it is a prototype. The DA (Developement aircraft) models are all prototypes.
The IPA models are pre series variants. They are owned by NETMA. Still test bed aircraft on which actual weapon integration happened for example.
Just as with the DA aircraft they are on various levels regarding testing and integration of weapons or avionics for example. Some IPA models later received capabilities off Tranche 2 and 3 production aircraft.
The ISP aircraft are technically owned by the operating countries but are lacking, at least in part, cannons for example.

Tranche 1 is the first service aircraft and is already somewhat limited to technologies not yet integrated. This standard could be added to Italy, Germany and Britain at the same tiem without issues.

The question should not be why not DA.2 but why not the most reasonable and obvious choice Tranche 1?

Yep and F.3R is a sub variant of F.3. Budget is a mean beast.

We getting a F20 why no DA2

you haven’t answered my question

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You are overlooking the answer. F-20 is a gimmick and is in a rather different situation to Eurofighter which did end up entering service. You are comparing apples and oranges.

Unless of course you want all prototype stuff including projects that lead nowhere and were cancelled due to other reasons than their developing state collapsing or losing a war. If that is the case I can only say that that is not my cup of tea and would rather branch off of the path Gaijin is to some extend following.

im not mate they are both prototypes

I read that the Typhoons only used the AIM-9L, but if they come in the near future, they would get the 9Ms, no? If an aircraft used 9L, could it then use the 9M?

But there is no need for a DA.2 which never was intended as a fighting machine since we have the real deal available. That is why you are comparing apples with oranges.

DA.2, depending on which actual modification of that airframe would be chosen would not be any different to Tranche 1 anyway as far as adjustments necessary for implementation are concerned.

It’s using a later AIM-9L variant as well.

While it’s true that both the F-20 and any DA Typhoon are prototypes, why would one want a prototype if they could get the production version?

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Neither wa the F20 or CR3 TD your point means nothing

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Never was mounted onto T-80UD.

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