Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

People often mention the DA prototypes, but reading more about the Typhoon, I don’t get why does Gaijin have a problem with the early serial production jets, like the Tranches 1 and 2 are.

Like @Smugspite said, they could definitely come by the end of the year, next year tops.

FIrst thing is it looks everywhere at the same time. Second thing it can change the wave frequencies on the move making notching nearly impossible. It is also much more resistand to RECM (by wave manipulation) but that is not yet in game

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Thanks. With ARH coming 2nd patch, jamming would actually be nice.

Not that simple. Not all Jammers/RECM will be able to deal with plane radars, some are turned for ground radars, some operate on certain bands, frequencies etc

A6E my beloved, or the F111E Raven my beloved

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Ah yes, the only EW with a A-A kill
Also it is the EF111A

Yeah, wouldn’t be a straightforward implementation. Every radar having a band assigned already will certainly help already.

copium plan will be changed in the future


and in a single sentence, they just turned the Buc S2B from being one of the best CAS at its BR, to by far the worst.


Nahh, it’s close to being worst but the A-7E still takes the cake for that one (IMO)

the north Holland map got hills
Gaijin never been to Holland I see


I grew up in South Holland, adjecent province with same topography, near a neighbourhood with the word “berg” in it. It means “mountain” and was called that because it gradually sloped up to about 2 or 3 meters less below sea level 😅

So yeah, why are there hills in North Holland?

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oh youre from south Holland?
I grew up on the german Dutch border so yea I guess the Topography doesnt change until the sea

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Such a shame

Flat as a pancake.

NL shaped pancake EC map when? NL is small enough, or EC maps are big enough, to capture the iconic shape…

exactly, you could see the sea if it weren’t for bad weather and Foliage being in the way

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good point, if we can have the entire English channel as a map then why not the entirety of the the Netherlands too?

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Yeah, youd have to bind a separate key for “Lock AGM” or something, then it worked. The “Launch AGM” only locked.
I kinda hoped the crosshair would be to specify where on the target to lock the AGM, but if it just makes it easier to break lock, thats nice aswell

Yeah, we have 128x128km maps. Something like this would work for an EC map i guess (just eye balled it)

Glory hidden within dropdown

256x256km maps could prob dow the whole NL 😂


That would be really fun for new EC maps.