Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

I mean
The infrastructure speaks to that more than the hills do xd

Dunno if early/demonstrator of EF/Rafale are that worth it.

It’s only because we want them as soon as possible mainly that we suggest them i think x)

F-20 becomes interesting since it was intended for service and was developed to a reasonable level unlike the DA aircraft which were nothing but developement aircraft.

Additionally you would see a ragtag bunch of DA introduced to Germany, Italy and Great Britain all with different standard of technology. They are also not state owned which menas that Gaijin would not want to add them as stated previously by SMIN regarding the Gripen leased to Britain for testing for example.

F-20 also is a premium and would never have been added as a tech tree vehicle. Perhaps as a event vehicle in a different iteration down the line but would you want a event or premium Eurofighter which never was modified and intended to enetr combat before you have a tech tree Tranche 1 aircraft?

At some point you got to draw the line.

@Morvran did someone say EAP ?

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what are on about these aren’t aircraft that when made were privately owned

they were made for the state the later became private

Why cant the DA2 be added as it worked perfectly fine and had weapons unlike the EAP

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My theory is, and many other people here probably thought similarly, that they will bring jets using PESA and strong PD radars together in one update. Something like the arrival of F-16s, the Typhoon would be added to Germany, Italy and Britain.

And while we might know the why and how, the when is sadly unknown, maybe this year’ last update, maybe next year.

Sea Harrier FA2 could come in June and have the best radar in game for a while. Better than some early AESA radars. So could be any time this year we start seeing some

Actual weapons integration happened later. Dropping a AIM-120 model does not mean you can fire AIM-120 in combat. DA5 was the first to receive the ECR-90 radar for example.
DA.2 would never have worked perfectly fine for combat sicne it was a bloody DEVELOPEMENT AIRCRAFT.

Tranche 1 is what would have worked perfectly as far as perfect goes with weapons systems.

it can fire AMRAAM it just never did

it had the Radar and the wiring

Which radar did it use?
Why do you insist a gimped Eurofighter should be added to Britain only?
DA5 and DA7 could be added to Germany and Italy then but why not just introduce Tranche 1?

As I stated previously to add any DA to War Thunder they would have to be raised to a standard of technology rather resembling Tranche 1.
Instead of asking wHy No Da.2 perhaps you should ask yourself what the issue with Tranche 1 would be?

That its not the DA2

What kind of answer is that supposed to be?^^

  • ECR-90 Pulse doppler Radar
    Da2 had this radar it was able to fire AMRAAMs

The advantage of adding a DA typhoon first is 2 fold

  1. it would be missing some capabilities that would allow it to come sooner and at a lower BR. This is of particular note for Germany currently

  2. there are so few aircraft left, that adding a DA typhoon for all 3 nations adds an additional aircraft in the line up.

It does also have the advantage that when full tranche 1 typhoons get added, they could be added with much better weapons, like 120C5s instead of 120Bs. Again, creating a clean progression

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I don’t think this back and forth about the DA XY prototype leads nowhere and is rather counterproductive; they could be added as event vehicles, squadron, or premium💀 ones.

Well, @Morvran have a good point, the DAs could come sooner, but wouldn’t they be unevenly distributed (couldn’t think of a better word)?

By the time DA.2 was on this level Tranche 1 was in service.
Even so DA.2 was not used for weapons integration. Things like compatibility tests were carried out.
So either you add a gimped Eurofighter or a prototype somewhat resembles the first production variant.


Yeah because another one was assigned for that but it could fire AMRAAMS

We can get it before tranche 1

No reason they would be. I’d picture a semi-amalgam DA, so all 3 nations got near enough the same aircraft, but with some universal limitations like reduced AOA and the tornado engines

Tranche 1 would have those older weapons anyway. Soemthing many people do not seem to realise.
There are enough sub variants of Tranche 1 2 and 3 to make do.

The only reason why people want to see DA.2 is because they can not handle waiting a little while longer. That gimped DA would then either be added on production standard nullifying the reasons to add it in the first place or be quickly be power crept and end up as just another 400k+ research hurdle.