Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Latest from Oliviia:

There is the April Fools event coming to consider for that gamemode, but also all those WWM icons @gszabi99_HUN found last year - helicopter_infantry, landing_craft_infantry especially.

Though that 's not necessarily how the next subtree will be implemented, as we’re seeing from the placement of the Gripen C(SA), J34 Hunter and FV721 Fox among others.

The main factor for a subtree going forwards will likely be related to " need ":

Though, that doesn’t generate a hugely different list of possibles from yours.


What’s the point of a Polish, Yugoslavian, “Intermarium”, Ukrainian, Singaporean, BeNeLux-ian, Chilean, Korean, or Turkish tree/subtree?

The answer to that question is the same answer to your question you asked me.

And to answer more literally:

StormRyder13 thinks it’s a problem that the WW2 Peas are touching the Cold War Carrots. Lol

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Escape from Gaijin event?


There an easier way to do that



It’s the Magachs all over again

Tiran 5 (late)
Tiran 5 (late) sh


This read like WT should abandon WW2. That be a reason for me to quit the game which sucks as there is no other game like WT that covers those BRs.

may I remind you we are missing hundreds of thousands of vehicles most of which are from WW2 (and of 80% are from nations not in-game)

WW2 is still part of this game. you can’t just change a game with WW2 to fit a cold war factions without considering how the factions changed after WW2.

Here is a list of the UN members:

Here is the final TT it gets the same thing done as a “Commonweath”, “Redfor/Bluefor”, “Minnor-nation” etc. tree.

Just to limit C&P cram as many nations in the same tree as possible keeping out of the game hundreds if not thousands of vehicles and their variants.

Atcually could gaijin be making a soviet line for Israel as I just remembered the PT-76b

Rank 4 - PT-76b

Rank 5 - Tiran 4 (In game)
Rank 5 -Tiran 4S (In game)

Rank 6 - Tiran 5 (late)
Rank 6 - Tiran 5 (late) sh (Premium) ?
Rank 6 - Tiran-6



Though a sov-based line might fit w/ adding the aircraft IL captured nd later modified, I know you’ve been waiting on those for awhile.


Not what I was saying, but okay.

Hundreds of thousands is hyperbole. So is the 80% of nations not in game, but I see your point, okay.

There is no red-for vs blu-for MM system. I’ve played in WW2 era games where it’s the Germans, US, and Soviets, vs the French, British, Italians, and Japanese. I’ve played coldwar games where it’s the Soviets, US, and Sweden vs UK, China, and Germany. None of the games make any sense.

Germany by the way, already has two cold war lines it splits down post WW2, East and West. Red and Blue. China has a tree that was technically at Civil war before and after WW2 with a hodgepodge of vehicles that splits into PRC and RoC, arguably for most of the coldwar as Red and Blue as well.

Sweden was “neutral” from before WW2 until just this year, and yet they have a bunch of quasi-redfor vehicles from Finland, who fought mostly against the Soviets in WW2.

Point is, there’s already a ton of contradictions to the whole on one side in WW2 on another side in the Cold War thing that just doesn’t make it a boundary worth observing.

I appreciate your passion, but what are we really missing that could, for a single nation as a stand-alone, let alone a subtree, fill out from the WW2 side on that hasn’t been added, or wouldn’t benefit from being filled in by other similar vehicles in a “coalition” style tree?

You had already responded before this comment, cut the cap xd


I’m wondering F-16A Block 20 MLU (2011) like F-16A MLU from china tech tree in live server or other ROCAF F-16A Block 20 MLU

I think they’ll just update it and move it once the F-CK comes.

They’ll hopefully do seperate versions of the MLUs/ADFs in trees like italy and china for the BVRAAM stuff

Yes a large number of them. Almost all of them.

TT represents the nation, not the industry. The UK TT is the British army and RAF, not the British industry.

I’ll give you a hit TT made up of 10 plus nations won’t bring the unkie stuff and will only help further erase “Minnor” nations’ industry and independence.

My favourite vehicles from Thatz TT, I won’t EVER see them in War Thunder. Why? They are unique prototypes that have no room for in a coalition tree as Gaijin needs to load them up with C&P. Name the most unique vehicle in WT(good) well it has no place in a collection tree.

Here is a map of the world:


World Map: A clickable map of world countries :-)

Here is a “coalition” map


We ask for the tree to show we are more than slaves to the US and USSR that are independent matters. If wanted to play a game like that I’d play a US vs. Germany or US vs. USSR only game.

Let me give you a hint multi-nation trees that serve to remove C&P become C&P-only trees doing
nothing but help erase what these nations did from history.

not clear enough? her like me but in full caps and big bold letters:


I heard rumours the German AlphaJet was fixed

can’t wait the remaining 3 min til the Dev server is update, I NEED ANSWERS

What was there to fix, except for the BR being maybe a bit too high at 9.0?

  • no CMs even tho the modelled version had some

  • no Twin rocket launchers on Pylons 3&4

Didn’t know they had CMs on the Alpha Jet A/E

yea the Germans did an upgrade suit in "86 that replaced the second pylot with an ECM block and added Flare/Chaff dispensers

they also upgraded the engine from a Larzac 04C5 (11,4KN) to a 04C20 (14KN)

that last point was flagged as not a bug tho