Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Well a teaser has been on a Wednesday before

Thats true…mainly going off from the “29” the leaker said

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not having a lot doesn’t meen that it should be forgoten (+shini is right)

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Not enough to have Austria and Argentina? Need more?


Depends on how controversial tomorrow’s blog is.

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Not quite. It should be understood that it’s not “just because they can” they will. It will depend on the needs of each nation. Regardless, this is off topic now.


Sooo…Japan? :D

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that is just incorrect but ok

oh never said that, but like alreadya said france as well has as much potential as us , germany, rus.
We only speaking about potential future , this way. people cant shatter down the possibility anymore that those nation never will receive some, its possible, but not needed as of right now



I don’t think that adding even more tanks in the M1 line is a good idea and M60-2000 would be just a perfect transition from M60A3 to M1A1 HC.


yeah but I don’t want a copy past branch

There is better to say.
“At this moment”
they opinion change very often)))

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Ridiculous claim if I’ve ever seen it


can we more commonwealth vehicle in next updoot ?

the wha ?

if the planned top tier IFV for UK isn’t this beauty I will be extremely mad, that will mean that it’s going to be delayed for eternity



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Let me quess, it was the Royal Air Force Museum London? :)

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Nope, this compares soviet turret and improved soviet turret with use of different components which was never massproduced due to collapse.
Additionaly T-80UD and T-80UD 1989 refers to time Kontakt-5 was massively ppaced onto T-80UD.
Here is the tab for T-80U showcasing the same level of protection as the late T-80UD, due to it getting Kontakt-5 much faster.

and here is the note about T-72B and T-80UD improved turrets never being produced.

On the right is the same turret you have on your image on the right, that can be understood by simple fact that both of these use similar armour with metal-ceramic package inside.
It would be better, however it was not produced, so T-80UD had same armour package as the T-80U by 1989.

However if you do want a better turret, take a look at exported to Pakistan T-80UD’s some were exported with new style turret, that I would suppose be better.

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once again , you dont seem to know what belgium as to offer