Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

yeah im also gonna assume when we get anti radiation missiles that the tornado is gonna be limited and not allowed to carry its historical 7 ALARMs


Apparently it could carry 9

But yeah, I doubt that too. If we ever get them, I could see us getting 2-4 on the wings and/or 3 on the belly on the Tornado Gr4 though


Though I dont think theyd be all that OP in large quanitities. Brimstone could wipe out the enemy team. ALARM is useless if the enemy team just toggle off their radar on their SPAA.



Any polish Forces need in british subtree ?

and this little monster too


im pretty sure that’s why they haven’t added them yet as their isn’t much point

true but it is one hell of a CAS loadout, 12 brimstones and 4 ALARMs only nation that could maybe rival that in pure CAS amount is america


I think it was about the KHS Krab I posted that was a polish SPG project using a AS90 Braveheart turret

There is the Polish Firefly and boat in the UK tree but that’s not a sub-tree. Besides Poland is one of the better candidates for an independent tree.


In GRB, with the ability to take them in a mixed load, like the ALARM rails on the Gr4. I could see them being quite valuable. But beyond that, their main purprose would be supression. The threat that the aircraft airbourne “might” have HARM.

Though ALARM does have the parachute trick to deal with radar togglers, but i doubt gaijin would model that.

But I mostly want them for ASB. Plenty of radar SPAA in that to deal with and its all stupidly OP, Just got shot down by a convoy Gepard whilst flying at 10k ft.

Maybe. I dont think they really have anything akin to Brimstone

yeah I doubt they would add the loitering ability since ya know they didnt add the man in the loop system for the Martels on the bucc S2B

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Or just more independent waiting for polish armed forces, and air force to be added into a tree but how would be not much polish subtree going ?

true but they would get things like the F15EX with what 16 GBUs?

Probably, they can certainly match us in quantity of A2G on an aircraft just about. But they certainly wouldnt be able to ripple of 4x HARM and then ripple of 18 Brimstones and then turn around and go home :D

true lol I love the Tornado Gr4, shame since gaijin wont give it brimstones it wont be much of an upgrade over the Gr1 in game or at least I dont think so

It wouldnt be a dramatic buff. But it would have some.

new Cockpit
Gen 3 Tpod (litening III)
Paveway 4
TERMA pod (for MAWS)
Better AAMs (technically ASRAAM, but I could see Aim-9M)
(HMS but for ground weapons only though, so not really much value)

Compared to the GR1, the GR4 has a Forward-Looking Infra-Red (FLIR), a wide angle Head-Up Display (HUD), improved cockpit displays, Night-Vision Goggle (NVG) compatibility, new avionics and weapons systems, updated computer software, and Global Positioning System (GPS). - Source

It would be just enough to justify adding without Brimstone for now. Though Id hope we get at least a version of Brimstone, even if it was strictly a AGM-65D-like equivalent in operation and limited to maybe 9 on the belly with the T-pod as a hard requirement on the fourth mount. Certainly options to add them in a fair but mitigated state.

yeah could add them in their pure laser guided state but dont know how good those would be and also assuming gaijin actually gives us the litening III pod anyway

Yeah, though TIALD 400 should actually be Gen 2, not Gen 1. So if that ever gets fixed, we’d atleast catch up if they left us with just TIALD. Though we should really have TIALD 500 on the Gr4.

laser guided Brimstones would be good. Brimstone 1s would perform about the same as AGM-65. 20 ish KM range