Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Aye, hence why I said it’s not so much a necessity for USSR

lol rent free

something like that

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They could get both, It was a joint project.

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I love that video and its the main reason why I know we wont get a tornado Gr4 or Harrier Gr9 with 12 and 16 respectfully anytime soon

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Last night churchill told me in a dream that Britain will get the nelson next update, skipping KGV, and British ROF will be buffed namely 14in to 4rpm and 15in to 3rpm


das ingwe/hot on export version


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The king George VI was beside him and he confirms that too

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I wish that would have been one hell of a lucid dream lol

IDK, a few weeks ago in my nap I also found out China gets a naval tree

gaijin give the british M109A1 L15A2 you cucks

Maybe if you put in a report for it instead of bitching on the forum every other day it could happen.

the thing is I know gaijin wont accept just the BAE website and trying to find anything on specific british ammo and artillery systems is near imposable

Dude i cant with him, i made a report for the Taiwanese AH-1W not getting its historical loadout (it never mounted Aim-9L, gun pods, and possibly not even TOW) and he just submitted it as a suggestion

yeah that is the exact reason why I’m not making a bug report lol I cant be arsed to go find documents that showed the M109A1s in british service used the L15A2 shell just for them to turn around and go na not enough proof or its just a suggestion

Actually both could carry up to 18. Though I can see them capping both to 12

yeah ~ Belgium is good

And … Netherland CV90 should go to Germany TT XD
After all, now German-Netherland military cooperation is very close, the CV90NL family and F-16 are quite good as an addition to the German TT
In addition, Austria is also suitable for German TT, the special IFVs are a good choice

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assuming poland isnt made a tree or sub tree in game by the time this tank comes who would get the KHS Krab since its an AS90 Braveheart turret on a K9 hull and a german gun, korea isnt in game either so I would assume the uk or germany, their were 2 prototypes before it went into active production so both germany and the uk could get it