Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

UK doesn’t have space for another sub-tree, so if Poland were added in such form it would not be there.


Err- what? There is no place for a Polish sub-tree. Because even the trees that make “sense” (to everyone but the Polish people I’ve talked to) are full.

And on waiting on an independent lots of us are waiting for XYZ tree to get added as an inpreted. for some, it’s our only hope for others it’s only logical.

Plus Poland doesnt make sense as sub-TT for UK or any other TTs


Czechoslovakia + Poland kek

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*In game at the moment.

I still wait for gaijin to put a polish vehicle in the russian tree. This would be worse than the swiss hunter thread

It’s not even unlikely. I believe that gaijin would do something like this


So were the nations between Japan and Israel and even Italy today would almost be a sub tree if they thought of it back then

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Please…this would be dream…plus it would make place for any easter european countries/ ex-Warsaw pact nations vehicles to go into

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You should be lucky that there isnt much of Czech and Slovakian players in this game…and much less use Forums. Trust me. Both Moderna and M53/59 when it was added into USSR TT i was angry…A LOT

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What? What are you on about?

You said Czechoslovakia would make sense for a Polish sub-tree, I clarified I was talking about the nations in game at this time. And how the 2 that make sense are not only full but not a place that any of the Polish people I’ve talked to would like to see their stuff in.

I feel like this could be the next tech tree

I’m sorry but why is everyone here acting like the 9035s were confirmed? While they were leaked by Olivia, there is nothing at all suggesting the 9035s will come this patch, next patch, or even this year.


Dont know. Even i slowly learned that Olivia leaks are more like vehicles that are being worked on and might come in the future

Yeah the US T-90 is still not here. But I doubt that gaijin is putting vehicles in the files to see the reaction of the playerbase


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Didn’t stop the Indian T-90 though lol

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We unfortunately have the Slovenian M-55S in the files for USSR, but that was there before the war and Indoubt they’d add it now

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What could be possible that gaijin put some vehicles there just for the moment.

For example the dutch cv could just be in france because there is no benelux folder

The Unimog could just be a c&p of the unimog already in the swedish tree. Like they could use the swedish unimog as a base

It would be clearer if we knew in which state these vehicles are

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Polish people “dislike” russia and the Udssr much more than slovenians tbh. There are more polish players aswell.


At least you dont need to see your Polish vehicles in USST TT