Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

I just don’t understand how gaijin thinks India is more commonwealth than Canada is


Whats worse Cf18 to UK which they used the F/A18 as stop gap for a bit or the Rafale

not saying they would add that but its just funny to thing about


Knowing them they will add sub Canadian variant to fill out the ranks in rank 9 props to America lol

i mean, the turkish one could end up in italian tree as well, besides that germany has less rights to that one, the modification is completly self developed by turkey

also would keep Turkish stuff together

I would like but I’m still out.

I agree. My stance on Canadian stuff is this:

With the UK sub-tree slot full my only hope to have Canadian stuff in the same place is a TT. At this point, I’d take what few unique models in-game with C&P at least I’d have a correct line-up.


Please all support.

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eh there is arguments against it, like the special skin series already being spread everywhere and germany basicaly having a standard turkish 2a4, we will see. its always hard to say because i doubt italy is getting any more nation considering how strong of an addition hungary is

Well we will see their Air seems to very strong now

As expected, one side will cry, funny and … where’s my popcorn?)



all it would take is them getting the 2A7 HU and then germany will be irrelevent!

What are you on

You we are talking about other stuff

eh depends, i dont see the 2a7hu coming soon realy, hungary still didnt fully display it which is an requirement. and germany easily could get 2a7v variants with aps as well if that happens

me waiting for Challenger 3 with trophy properly mounted

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doesnt exist yet does it?

well both do just not together

the Tech demo showed it off, which is what the current “Challenger 3” we have is.

That was a mockup

mock up, that is the reason it didnt receive it

Funny as most mains are still at anger lol