Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

I saw someone pointing out that the BAE Hawk used it. Tho I might be mixing up with something else.

that as well

That was me and another dude but it does make sense though

would be kinda cool

I mean, Gzabi was a true constructivist teacher, guiding our speculations with his triggering questions. I think he was referring to something that would come in this update.

The problem is that if Hawk came with this update, it wouldn’t be called Alpha Strike, idk

No one saying it will just that with this recent tend of attackers it’s possible for the update after this.

can still be for this update, the name doesnt necesarily mean much, i think smin just stated that it is an update focused on strike aircraft

i mean he pretty much hinted/ said where the canadian leo is going as well

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you solved it, ty dude.

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Doesnt necessarily mean a new vehicle though. Could mean the Sea Harrier FRS1(L), Buc S2B or Jaguar Gr1A is getting its correct RWR

That being said, with ARMAAM all but confirmed for next update (june). Then good chance of Sea Harrier FA2 which used Sky Guardian to come in June


yep, he knows things he can’t say openly. You have to read it between the lines, that is his intention.

Wait he did? Do you know where, because I would be very interested.

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Hmmm thanks!

On one side: Yes it’s a premium, this way I don’t have to grind it.

On the other side: crap it’s a premium, I already have my eyes on 2 of the other 70 euro premiums, so a third would make this update very expansive.

oh which other 2 ones? besides best guess F-20

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It could be another 75€ premium

If it’s like M1A1 Click Bait (I mean 11.3, a premium Germany lacks right now), then it might be 70

The source never mentioned premium but it is the most likely

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I mean yea one would defo be in Germany that was already something we know would happen.

But the messenger said there would be two options and one would be removed

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This is from the guy who said their might be two options