Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 4)

I reckon when they add AMRAAMS they will add them to lesser aircraft first and then work their way up

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We don’t know.

Honestly I was kinda hoping the AMX wouldve been the event jet

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I was hoping for event T90 so USSR mains get mad


US captured Pantsir when?

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NO Centauro 2
NO Leopard 2 A7 HU
Is this to make the Italian main power choose to hibernate for three months and sleep until March next year?

Knowing Gaijin, I’m tempering my expectations to the max. Spall liners are already a no-go for release lol.

I’m so expecting the M1A2 SEPV2 to come without better, without M829A3, and still without the possibility of removing Tusk lmfao. At least I’ll be pleasantly surprised if I’m wrong.

Update in a few hours, lads. A toast to 4 whole threads for a three week update wait


The last of major update near the end

Thanks you CEO, producer, dev and staff always working hard. see again first major update 2024



All you can do is hope the weight increase on the Arietes means better armor

Yes, it means more air between the plates

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best patch ever. Expected a Gripen and instead got three 4th gen available to me. F-15 and event M2K. I don’t even have 1 fourth Gen now, within a short grind will have 3.

You know its bad I play this game so much I have access to every single new aircraft this patch

Me, after spending so much time on forum i look at Challenger 2, Leclerc, Eurofighter (around 20 in total) ect. In a new light

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Except SAAF Gripen C never fired AIM-120B (Rb.99)

I guess gaijin could add AV-8B Night Attack before AV-8B + Harrier II

USMC AV-8B+ (Early) like AV-8B+ from Italian Navy (Marina Militare) but AV-8B+ (Late) integrated JHMCS II, equipped AN/AAQ-28(V) Litening G4, armed AIM-9X sidewinder and AIM-120C AMRAAM


I might take that advice. I talismaned the Su-17M4 for a quicker research and I netted 10-17k RP a game, I just might do the same with the J-7E. I know I’m going to be an absolute terrorist in that thing.

Yeah kind of a wild one huh. I guess we’ll see what more crazy stuff we’ll get on 2024

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USSR Iranian F-14 when?


Started the year with the F14B and we’re ending with the F-15 Su-27 and Gripen absolutely wild year weve had

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Its very very very good, my only gripes with the J7E is the gun (ammo count mostly) and no all aspect capability (yet hopefully)

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