Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 4)

F14 with r73s
Would be a cool event plane

That thing has the AGM turned A2As as well right or something funky like that

The update is near to me now, can’t wait for it to be updated




4 minutes till server shutdown, it usually takes about an hour for the patch right?

Well im on PS so itll take longer cuz well Sony

Italy steal a Tiger from Germany
somebody can start calling Germany suffer


and the gripen A nor C had Skyflash or AIM-9Ms so your argument on the SA Gripen not getting AMRAAMs holds zero weight when the primary load out of both plains are factious

Yes, the Hungarians used and trained the Italians for this type as far as I know. I read it as a premium, but it can be plain Tech tree. They put Hungarian in it.

To be fair Skyflash was in the A’s manual and the Hungarian Gripen uses 9Ms


R-73’s AND Sedjil’s!

yet Sweden nor SA mounted either of them

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Well going by the argument earlier its possible therefore its not necessarily ahistorical completely

Just one of those things

and that is my argument for why I dont see why they wouldn’t give the SA Gripen AIM-120s when they already made up its loadouts based on it “could” use the weapons

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Oh absolutely im not disagreeing its just one of those weird balance factors that comes back around to bite em

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irrelevant for war thunder
The yak 141 never mounted functional missiles yet it has plenty ingame

it also had no gun, IRST, radar or countermeasures hence why I can see the DA series of Typhoons coming

also If i pre download the update from the launcher can I just start playing right away when the update drops? or do I have to download more stuff?

Phoenix and Sedjil loadout.

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