Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 4)

Have they added models for CENTAURO2?


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He is a German main, you don’t understand how much they suffer at the fact that a nation they shared tech/vehicles with also gets that tech/vehicle.

Truly the most underrepresented and forgotten nation in the entire game who suffers Everytime a nation other than themselves gets something.😔😔😔


“Russia Gets AESA” Is the Su-57 Coming?

Oh shit… No cent 2 ? So what exactly can the Italians do with this version? Take the AMX of BR overflow to challenge other big brothers?

The f4f ice is an old gen 3 fighter. And everyone will get Aim 120. It wont do shit against gen 4 aircraft with Aim 120s


An nice cop pasta aircraft right to the one before which exact same stats that should have the same missles. Besides what is that argument when USSR and US, get new stuff each patch. Mig29G propably will stay the best plane because the F4F Ice is DOA. The flight model is just way go old for that BR range

I also appreciate that the irony of calling other countries leeches is lost on someone whose entire postwar air tech tree is leeching from other countries.


so no tech tree A-6E?

Same for us the uk the Gripen will be our best fighter as well until we both get the EFT

Gripen is not DOA. Tornados were/are.

No im saying when we get ARH the Gripen will still be our best fighter

Well if it makes you feel any better the Tornado does turn faster then the Nevada

Thats fine i guess. It will turn, speed up well and have 9m/amraam. What here is DOA?

I doubt the Gripen we have will get AMRAAMS

Been making my A-5C sing, about to have my J-7E, not going to make it to J-11 on launch, but I’m damn close!

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Last time i checked i lost a turnfight with nevada, skill issue on my part then

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Pro tip if you want Talisman the J7E, I finished the F5A and could have finished the J8F in the same day but I decided to do half

When we get AMRAAMS it will be on the Harrier
Same with the Americans as its strange they don’t have their AV8B +

We simply suffer everyone else always gets our stuff before us and better

/s :p