Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 4)

Britain: hawk t2
Russia: yak130
Italy/Israel: m346
Japan: they already have a t2
Sweden: finnish hawk mk 51
China: JL9
Germany/France: alpha jet

And most importantly a proper tutorial to jet games


Im assuming 2s but it could also be 1s

T33 Shooting Star for literarlly everyone but Russia (except Iran premium?)

France used the MB339 also, and Japan also has the T-1.

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But TOG.

They seem to do a lot of “anthropomorphic weapons” but I found the Image nice a funny so I had to.

Now I also want the M-346

What have yall done to me

M-346FA variant is some kind of subsonic with insane loadouts, overall would be nice to see Yak-130/M-346, it’s a rare Russian/Italian cooperation.



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The MiG-33s also another unhinged funny jet thatd be cool in WT tbh

The MiG-33 is just an upgraded MiG-29. How is it unhinged?

Are you sure youre not thinking of the MiG-35?

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Fun Fact Canada has its own variant known as the CT-133 Silver Star. But this was when we still built our own planes(Even if it licenced built) instead of buying from others.

I’ve been told this qualifies for a 7.7 plane:

Silver Star Mk 3AT : Armed version, two Browning .50 caliber machine guns in nose and underwing pylons for 1,000 lb bombs and HVAR rockets.”

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I am. The MiG-33 is an upgrade of the MiG-29M, and is also known as the MiG-29ME.

Well its a smaller 29 with 1 engine therefore unhinged

There is also another Italian advanced trainer, but not from Aermacchi.

SIAI-Marchetti S.211
It is way less armed, but I love it, imo it’s so adorable)


SIAI-Marchetti S.211 - Passed for Consideration - War Thunder - Official Forum


You’re thinking about the MiG-33SE, not the standard MiG-33, which was originally just an export version of the MiG-29M. The SE is indeed cursed, however.


Honestly I love it though, my friends DESPISE it I really want it just because its cursed

It looks like a hot shots plane.

I think it said 1944 in the datamine. Which is a shame since she had such a unique refit in the '50s.
Also really upsetting if it really is an event vehicle because it means the best American battleship in the game is going to be locked behind the event wall until they eventually (lol lmao, as if) add another one.

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Not like ittl make a difference she’ll still have an absolutely horrendous reload, afaik it should be better though it doesnt seem like itll change

Seems early 14"s should have about a 35 sec reload and Later should be 30 sec

The maximize is 28s, you can check it in the old forum, but seriously, it will be a monster sniper if gaijin adds new AP for her.

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