Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 4)

You guys should search up frider in pixiv
Be civilized

Its datamine so way too early to discuss about it

  • ◄Tornado IDS ASSTA1 :
    • Targeting Pod :
      • Zoom : x[6.15, 23.02] → x[7.38, 30.69]
      • Thermal Sight : Resolution : 1080x720 → 500x300
      • Vertical Limits : [-160, 15] → [-155, 35]°
        oh they nerf German tornado TGP resolution

Germany suffer


Fun fact WarThunder is a vaild Pixiv tag.

let’s see here…



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And France keeps winning in the CAS department. Man, this has been a great year for french CAS (M2K-5F, HAD Mk.2 and now M4K).

Rafale and EBRC Jaguar for the next year, maybe???

Britain kept the res bc it uses the jag TGTP.

fun fact they all use TIALD

In my opinion it would be better if they are to go that route if the Brazilian variants are premium and the Italian ones are tech tree.

I damn well hope there’s a tech tree version.
I’m betting they’ll either say one isn’t planned, or that one will come, only for it to finally come late next year.


Don’t make me sell my soul :'(


For every tree in the game they have copypaste event rewards. We might complain but we have TT equivilant so at the end of the day not too shabby.

Now for the AMX who is an original aircraft model, who has no TT equivilant, and has been waited for so long, becomes an event reward that everyone can get, even though if they never touched Italy. For free if they grinded hard enough. There might be a kid who stole his mothers card to buy a 23ML and got the AMX.

They don’t deserve the ghibli. They don’t. They didn’t play through the F-104S.SAS, they didn’ play the G.56 and the Re.2005, they didn’t play the G.91YS in its 2022-23 shape. They didn’t even buy the F-104S TAF and grinded it that way. I am far away from the best of best Italy main but this has me angered.

Hopefully this is so bad it is DOA so nobody plays it.

There is still the AH Mk.1 and ofc not the level of UHT but we also have the GR7.
Laughs harder in British

I grind both air and ground for the star events, and if it is an event vehicle and there’s a tech tree version, I’ll sell it, however if there isn’t, I’ll hold onto it until either I grind to that point in the Italian air tree or a tech tree version is added, whichever comes first.

I would absolutely lose my soul if the ghibli comes to the TT later, since there is no way I am not using it.

it’s pretty lame to have such a long serving and iconic naval aircraft remain premium exclusive for so long

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It would be horrible, yeah. Italy is really struggling for CAS until 11.3, and it would really help out, on top of just being a really cool jet.

I just want the Aermacchi man

Italy has tonnes of options for CAS from the mid tiers onwards. It’s a real shame that none of them are in the game until the Tornado.


If it is event exclusive i want gaijin to nerf it into oblivion like every Italian jet. Yeah its current shape is bad the AMX is still WIP however. If it is exclusive event and it is actually good for once then I will question the choices.
I didnt manually grind the entire tree i used the G.55S to get to rank 4 and manually done the rest. But honestly i dont mind people playing with the TAF since its just a premium equivilant for something in the TT and its quite efficient too.
The ghibli is however too much.

The only time I have no gripes at all with a premium is when either it’s a really obscure and/or wacky tank that wouldn’t fill a gap if added to the tech tree, or when there is at least a rough equivalent in the tech tree.