Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 4)

I would rather say a North Korean subtree

Not the ship

Germany has enough tt vehicles

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yeah i assume we will get H-38 and HMS Lion when we get Sovetsky Soyuz

Well i want a mixed NK-SK independent tree, but I think it works.
IRL these external missiles on NK tanks will likely do no good in combat but in warthunder they can all be operated by one player remotely

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Put the English in the ocean

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Then I will say that France does not need these tanks either. They have enough Amx30

Hol up

English 'Merica?

Dear god the americans are gonna be pissed


Would it be alright if I just outrightly call that stupid?

Aye, that’s what you get ya damn limey!


If we have something to announce, we will do so officially. As always, we don’t comment on datamined vehicles :)


Scotland, Ireland, Mann, Wales, Cornwall, Brittany, and Galicia should unify.

Thats my crackhead hot take.

Thank you very much for your time.

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Brittany is Celtic too lol

An Englishman’s nightmare

oh how come? all 3 of these ships were laid down but cancelled? and I dont mean anytime soon im just saying i see them all coming at the same time

Maybe Cumbria and Asturias too once they’ve made up their minds about if theyre celts or not.

Nah they were apart of the Dane law so yea hehe

Because europanzer was French development

Just you wait, the whole world will be celtic once we are done with it

Prepare for the scotland world conquest 2027!

It’s because the H-39 and Sovetsky Soyuz are 60,000 tonnes not even under any load. The HMS Lion is about 40,000 tonnes.
That’s just opening up Pandora’s Box for creating an unbalanced game mode where Germany and USSR will dominate because they only have paper statistics instead of what would have been even close to possible.

Each nation should have something at least close to each other.

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