Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 4)

I never said it shouldnt?

I dont even know anything about it so cant comment

there was the

Sovetsky Soyuz or PR 23 both 23BIS and 23UN were never laid down and were only blueprints
obviously we have PR69 in game
Stalingrad or PR 82 was laid down but cancelled on stalins death

the other 3 or so BBs were only paper and were never laid down

Still better than event, but i wish for a premium, helping the grind i need to do x) (i’m not in squadron anymore)

I would buy it right now if i can!

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Last I knew they started construction but didn’t get very far as the Russian industry wouldn’t be able to meet a large amount of the quality standards required for such a ship.
People say that ships should have only started construction to be a viable addition. But for ships such as the Sovetsky Soyuz shouldn’t be added.

You said that lee prototype wil be german, europanzer is one of leopard 1 prototypes

This is the books list, i do apologise that i was way of on the numbers but theres still a fair few assuming each of the Laid down BCs come in different layouts

im all for ships that have been laid down but that only leaves Sovetsky Soyuz and Stalingrad for the soviet blue water capitals

Sovietsky Soyuz is effectively worse Littorio. The Littorio sure would work because if modelled properly the Puglisei system would practically make it immune to torpedoes and near misses. The Sovietsky Soyuz features the same rather lacking armor against shelles and has worse AA loadout.

Well im revoking your scottish privileges after that post

No more irn bru for you

Or deep fried chocolate bars (is that really a bad thing?)

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French tech tree and German premium imo.

you will live a longer life that is for sure lol

If warthunder survives by then.
I guess put it below the AMX-40 as well to make angry French mains

Celtic lands Cornwall as English territory this hurts my brain

Most of England underwater.

As it should be.

And why not the other way around?


Youre telling me that a diet of 60% fryer grease, 30% haggis and 20% irn bru will do something bad to you?

Absolutely impossible!

Im fine with both being tech tree, especially now that i remember that leo 1 is 8.0 now lol

I’d be fine with the Stalingrad at best, it’s at least not approaching 60,000t and can still be considered a “Washington-Treaty” ship even if they didn’t sign it.

~celtic union rise up pls~

My favourite seaside resort


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