Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 4)

Ah ok, i hope its either a DA.2/ other prototype EF or if it is actually commonwealth then hopefully the CF-18

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To remind about the requests by British players to imagine a branch of Canada with Leopards at the heart of the country.

Praise python 4, not racial hate.

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Praise Python-4!!!

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It was ironically done by Canadians who play the brit tree.

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that doesnt answer anything

This is not some the new order timeline where the allies lost

Ive just had a thought, we need to get funding for a missile with shorter range than the ASRAAM

Then we can call it the Advanced Super Short Range Air to Air Missile

Or ASSRAAM for short

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I corrected your message, now everything looks right.

If only britain had a 3km ranged Short Range Air to Air Missile with thrust vectoring and iirc 40g of pull


By putting part of scotland under ‘english territory’ you have awakened a scottish nationalism i havent felt before lol


Chinas ABM system, China National Missile Defense, as CNMD, translates to one of the most famous Chinese curses
Think big

look at the bottom
british subtree for belgium)))

The CF-18 is still on the table.

We haven’t been told the Gripen is all the UK will need for months. plus from what I heard all the other aircraft that could go where the CF-18 would go need weapons not yet added to the game.

Don’t mind me overdosing on copuim.

And a plane that carried it that has flares
Not calling any names here cough cough hunter harrier

hey we got Carlisle back tho (its a shit hole so i dont think we won)

Give Norwegian 2A8 for Sweden tech tree please.

Tbf id happily give away edinburgh to the english, just not the entirety of the east coast up to the forth lol

Britain should be part of a celtic tree.

We owned the land first :)

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dear god youre going to drive the german mains mad