Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 4)

What you should do is just take a break from WT.
You have beaten the game.

Yes, it does, wich makes it a questionable suggestion “to match EFT and rafale”

yeah hence why im saying they wont come for awhile, i think we will see the DA1 DA2 DA3 tho

Pretty sure it would get AIM-120Bs instead of As

this is again why I said they wont be coming any time soon

The updated four horsemen of:
Gets to a 12.3 match




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Damn, the forth died just making it to the list…

Never mind

gripen C ; aim120b and 9M
eft tranche 1 ; aim120a/b and 9L/i or 9L/i-1 depending on how generous gaijin is
rafale; MICA RF and MICA IR or Magic 2

With the RWR nerf to the MiG-23MLA, I am also quite worried about it

the problem is gaijin have stated that there wont be any EFTs any time soon so i would assume the earliest is Q4 of 2024

Gripen ?

More like Rafale C F.2.2 or F.3.3; MICA EM and IR

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I bet this time next year since Smin have teased another aircraft too for Britain.


hell no, still have to get the gripen c, the cr3, cr2 oes, get my line up with all the challenger 2s as well, i already saved a spot for the 2 new challengers

Did he not say it was another commonwealth one tho?

It can join the i can give it a shot but not much catergory:
Phantom FG1/FGR2
Kurnass 2000

Nah just another one soon too

Oh god, I didnt even think of my Phantom FG.1 and Tornado F3…

dont break my hopium for CF-18 just yet if you dont mind, i really dont want to touch the US tree again for my hornet

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I got a lot on the plates too.
Mirage 4000
And real life things took priority, i mean, as it should