That didn’t stop them from giving Germany R-27ER/ET/AIM9J, Sweden AIM-9M and The Barak II AIM-7M.
zuddy you are acting like CR3 is made obsolete bc 2A7V exists aswell
not taking into account both vehicles are still WiP
so stop with that whining please
no, because the manual lists them
dont really know whos idea it was that dm73 would be a good idea but like
people should probably remember that just because something can carry something doesnt mean it should in game
Its made obsolete by everything else
I mean the CR3 IS obsolete when the 2A7V exists.
Hell the SEPv2 as it was on the dev server was also obsolete because the 2A7V and Strv 122Bs exist.
There is no amount of wip that will fix that unless they at least give it back the 5 second reload.
do not worry about it, he will get banned sooner or later
or fix the armour
we have already been told that it wont get a weight reduction and that the armour wont be improved so you know it is kinda of made obsolete by the 2a7V since it does everything the challenger 3 does but better and with better survivability
wich doesnt work with a 120mm one pice ammo
who said you cant lap load a 120mm one piece round
(dont know if the chally retains that ammo storage but you get what i mean i hope)
Let’s let’s take a break from the negativity and talk about Python 4 for Israel.
i keep saying I dont actually want dm73 for the challenger I want its armour to be fixed, i only want it if the 2a7 gets it since both can fire it
Then explain why the Merkava Mk.4s have a longer reload than the Leopard 2s and Abramses with the same ammo type?
Reload is a balance parameter, how is it that hard to understand?
and germany is made obsolete bc sweden
So what is that continues whining
grind thr CR3 if you like it more
grind the 2a7v if you like it more and play them
this baby behaivor will not lead to any change
Kinda, I suppose.
You can argue that the LAVI is flawed from the beginning and, even that might have a good French bloodline to it. There was limited upgrade potentials, it is likely that the radar will have to make certain adaptations, it might not have the space to intergrate other nato weaponries, and the canard plays a far lesser significant role than whats on a typhoon J-10 or rafale.
While, unfortunatly, the most common argument is that it failed because of political reasons, the US does not want Israel to compete in the export of new generation of western light fighters(aka the F-16) and pressured the Israelis to cancel the project.
For most countries in the world yes. There are very few nations that can develop their own fighter jet even til this day, needless to say the age of air combat warthunder is far from this day.
fair enough. then again chally 3 with fixed armor wont even matter if we get into that territory so, best to hope they never will
At least I hope gaijin consider new APFSDS DM63 replacement DM33 on Leopard 2A7V in next dev server before to live server
The F104G did not use the Aim-9J, but used the 9L, well, for the sake of balance, then change it.