Certified Israel moment.
Yeah which I highly doubt, unless you have some stats to back it up?
Why do you think you see so little Israeli mains at top tier? Italian mains? Japanese mains? French mains?
B3cause their top tier is subpar so they just stop playing that BR. Saying: “oh no they will keep queueing just to feed me” is a massive cope.
BVM just holds W and point and a clicks
i havent been paying attention. why are people so mad all of a sudden?
They made it not garbage. Whatever politics back then or today aside it is an impressive feat: making French things good.
I shamelessly said this when the Mirage 2000C-S5 is the best top tier I played so far and has the best stats compared to my other top tiers
Dawg I play Russia, Its handheld to a ridiculous degree, I can hold W and still manage to win
Yea what happened ? Like I only went to have some dinner
Yeah… But would they be able to develop alone a plane from start to end, like that?
Doubt on that.
It’s always way easier to take stuff that exist and upgrade it. Like French plane to Israel, or German tanks to Sweden etc.
UK so far only ordered DM63 for testing and initial capabilitys
right now, the plan is to acquire Dm73
German main says Challenger 3(P) can’t and shouldn’t have DM73
yea okay nerd
bc UK dont have DM73 right now :)
Or something better depending how long it take to get into production
something you can do with most tanks that have good mobility. especially with the russians you can just click on a fuel tank or driver port and the thing will just implode. its just that seemingly the majority of top tier players have a learning disability so they keep trying to shoot the charges on the bvm eventhough they know that doesnt work
something something german mains got mad that people asked for the challenger 3 to get something to balance it compared to the 2a7V which basically dissolved into name calling
Nor the German phantoms used 9L or M or what ever it was lol
9L(i) :)
the germans didnt have aim9Js yet their phantoms got them because the plane can mount them, guess what the challenger 3 can shoot
That didn’t stop them from giving Germany R-27ER/ET/AIM9J, Sweden AIM-9M and The Barak II AIM-7M.