Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 4)


So…about all those bug reports…


The python 4 also had a better irccm it was like a mix of the aim9m and r73

That is where we are heading with modern combat. That is why most pilots want to keep a BVR engagement instead of getting into IR and gun range. I think it will be interesting once fox-3s come in to see if the community will adopt the standoff strategy or if they will just haul in like it is now. Technically we would still standoff the 27ER but I can see why that isn’t fun to people.

wait but we can use western sources for russian tanks…?

You cant really change the mob mentality. Meta chasing is always going to be a thing and you wont be able to change most peoples minds on that, c&p, or whatever.
Usually people dont want to be convinced of another opinion and we will have to accept that

No clue. It was said here.

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yeah and that is the problem that would be like giving only the UK the ASRAAM and no one else it should all come together

Never mind, here is the answer

AAM-3 is 40G

funni missul:


I wish theyd just straight up say “No we wont even look at these. We want nato tanks to suck. Stop wasting your time.”


It would be easier…but oh well

I don’t mind C&P but I rather they be something else than another T-34-XYZ or other Soviet C&P they had a bonner for a WW2 BRs lately.

Heck, I’d take more Shermans at this point.

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Sherman is the superior tank give me more

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and again aim 9s are 30Gs so unless again they wanna add IRST and ASRAAMs then we wont get python 4s

Sherman Crocodile or riot


Yeah I always tell that to my friend when I see his browser

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Give me the shermans with the Flamethrowers in the turret mg


What about SPAA Sherman? (not a Skink. This one had 40mm and 2x .50cals on side of ball turret


Eh sure, I just want more flame tanks tbh
More rocket tanks like the Whizzbang and Tulips would be cool too tho

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Ask for more western trees like Canada or the Benelux. Yugoslavia would bring more Shermans last I saw.

Or push for the Shermans the UK used in numbers added to the UK tree. I wouldn’t mind more British Shermans.

Also, I want DD Sherman. Well, I want DD tanks in general.

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