Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 4)

why do USSR beg for USA vehicles at the first opportunity? go grind US tree

I just don’t get the logic of

If a tree is bad play another one, New nations will be worse than the ones we got so don’t add them.
Please remove C&P as it ruins uniqueness. But yea at this point might as well deleted all of the other nations and just have Russia and the US.

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Just like every all aspect missile seeker honestly

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  1. Don’t set goals for yourself. It is always the most effective way to remove frustration. Bad KD? Low WR? So what?
  2. Find a tree that fits your mindset. If you want aggression maybe try Japan.
  1. Realize that the suffering is eternal THERE WILL BE NO HOPE UNDER THE SNAIL

I think the Baz should have the 9M removed and the Python-4 added. Just to give it a difference. The Python 3 isn’t that much of a difference for it to be unique and each 15 should bring something different to the table in my book.

Cobra is pointless manoeuvre anyway. It will turn out turn pretty much everything bar the F-16A and mirage 4000

If you are referring to me, I told you to play whatever you enjoy, not what is meta. A vehicle being worse than others shouldnt stop you from playing it, you can still enjoy it despite its flaws

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as the commander of the tank says when winning a game “good job chaps, put the kettle on”

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Nah I mean the community as a whole m8 the reasons are just so meh people want the game to grow and be healthy but what people are saying will ritually kill the game off.

I was thinking more about P4 limited Barak but yeah ig P4 addition on Baz would also be cool.

idk if Baz carried them tho…

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The J-9 perhaps but we also don’t know if it’s the Chinese J-9 or the Swedish one so idk

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Also speaking of voicelines, do you notice the difference on South African vehicles?
I always felt they have their unique voices but I cannot differentiate them.

I thought it did last time I checked but I could be wrong. A Barak with only Pythons would be sick as well.

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They do differ a bit

surely the swedish one
the Chinese J-9 never left the design phase afaik

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on the dev server? if so didnt play or check as ive been busy with studying my masters

I mean the Chinese J-9 will be an odd ball and plus the other rewards make sense for the Winter event : )

oh god I hope in a nerfed state, as when we seen them on the last updates dev server those things could do a full 180

No way it’d be the Chinese one, it didn’t even enter prototype phase. Has to be the Swedish one.


You mean it could pull 180* just like AAM-3 right now?