Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 4)

Yeah I always tell that to my friend when I see his browser

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Give me the shermans with the Flamethrowers in the turret mg


What about SPAA Sherman? (not a Skink. This one had 40mm and 2x .50cals on side of ball turret


Eh sure, I just want more flame tanks tbh
More rocket tanks like the Whizzbang and Tulips would be cool too tho

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Ask for more western trees like Canada or the Benelux. Yugoslavia would bring more Shermans last I saw.

Or push for the Shermans the UK used in numbers added to the UK tree. I wouldn’t mind more British Shermans.

Also, I want DD Sherman. Well, I want DD tanks in general.

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Ngl a Swiss with Austria is a fun one : D

Probably but would they bring more Shermans?

I was listing tech trees the would bring more Shermans or Sherman-based vehicles off the top of my head.

me as i watch General Lee slander the Gripen with a dodgy SAAF document that he didn’t link


IRIS-T is Python 5 level. I’m all for early ASRAAM tho

To long to read.

more like 4 i think

Then don’t

The CCs claiming the Gripen is overpowered engine wise and flight peformance wise have no clue what theyre talking about

Even its G pull with the 1.5x G multiplier the Gripen should pull 18Gs

If they have information we dont id love access to if tbh.


I don’t want to play the US tree any further, I’d rather also have the unique plane, camo, and weaponry (Sedjil missile instead of Phoenix)

That supposed x1,5G multiplier is for structural limit only, not for actual pull/turn rate.


i found the document lee was showing a image from any thing use full from it is blacked out

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Well either way aircraft in war thunder always pull way more

Yeah that’s because aerodynamically they could be pulling these high Gs but what’s stopping them is the strength of the airframe. In WT with 150% structural limit planes can achieve their peak performance without worrying about snapping their wings.

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Cough Cough MiG-21
