Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

The Puma is 10.0…

As much i wanna spikes, this should not be an argument. Before anything else Israel should get access to spikes

Pardon my memory, it’s still way tougher than 2S38 which was the main point.

I dont even know why are spikes so highly anticipated, as if there has not been enough critiques from Italy mains.

From experience, they’re equally tough

bUt iTs FiRe aNd fOrGeT

I don’t see that as too much of an advantage

Sad. I hope it will be clarified before live as it was stated it should be lower and will not face F-16, but thanks for answer.

it is a shame about the decal, the rave looks realy mean and cool, sadly the premium itself is just useless and boring. It would be better to just make it 11.3 and give it guided stuff. Right now this one does no job well

It really is though. Weve got limited years left to live. Its going to take gaijin 40 YEARS 4 DECADES to add everything to germany ill be 64 years old then. Gaijins content drip is stupidly slow. 1 tank every update or so is absolutely mental.


Not everything is currently ready to show this update. However Italy has received a lot of top tier content this year already with 4 new Rank VIII jets, new top helicopter and a sub tree in the last year alone. So expectations for major new top tier content for them should be adjusted accordingly for this major.


thats true, italy got A LOT this year

The spikes has indeed given me a lot of opportunities to kill and undeniably it is an edge nevertheless, but it is because I only cherry pick the maps to use the freccia.
For Germany, the PUMA will not improve much because they are still going to be the last IFV to the battlefield.

Thank you for the information.

Half of one :)

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btw @Smin1080p are you aware what the thought about only giving the T90M spall liners out of all additions was, when western tanks used them long before?
As it looks right now, it seems realy unbalanced and makes the other tanks lacking heavily


One of the times where the Russian bias shows through.
They’re impeccably modelled in the best possible way they can be introduced.

I can at least say that the US and SEPv2 situation can always be worse, even if it sucks.

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I love new test drive map for grounds."main_large.gif"%3B&response-content-type=image%2Fgif&Expires=1701979260&Signature=P6lfqicR~pQgShKS0c35X~T-jBFoEQMhq68POpEkZ7L3~Fqtm5KF98FMC9hlLUNUQ7K4qXW0GA2Ci3-52NoJxrvJ1IZbQBsKdKtkuI9~YeimbKJ6WyXOZQDnHYpEPehxWpcU99vgtQuElph-VyIEWbR6~I77pfF7Rc9Ptfjn3P~nrgNmPAGTzAGQlWeHkwXc70PQOnSju3Gixl1lhWgRNy6ih5bt9LCzwstA5yBlZzL8YJyP7PE6GbAQZYgrgkNZaCrmXmHwMn5glDr9FpeOLIXKkdlKC-q-hYgwYNj4VzKeRJQ-Sjwa5HgChmdlSVCW0l0q7~Eb7JMgTayDHYDpyA__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJT5WQLLEOADKLHBQ


ok that ones funny

I don’t understand the decision making on Naval.

The UK and France both get a battleship that doesn’t functionally change anything about their lineups.

Both ships will be food for the Scharnhorst, which has been a game breaking ship for Naval players who’ve reached Battleships.

Why not introduce a ship that challenges that? Especially for France which has nothing worthy of being higher than 6.3.

I want everyship, don’t get me wrong, but this patch is basically a non-starter fot Naval folks if this is all it is.

What happened to the Naval stuff on the roadmap?


Has it been said/confirmed what armament the South Africa gripen will be given yet?