M735 is no longer an acceptable round at 9.0 and 9.3

This is your answer. Japan isn’t really popular by any means, so Gaijin is happy to screw them over in favor of nations that are much more popular. Pleasing the masses is obviously the name of their game.

Japan isn’t inherently less popular, Gaijin just actively works to make them less popular so they can pretend it’s not worth investing into.
Italy gained in popularity massively when they released the Aubl event vehicle, but now it’s shooting pebbles with 60mm APFSDS with less post pen damage than 30mm APDS magically.

Just stop adding nations and remove all the others from the game if you’re going to ruin them.

Those are still people that should have fair experience.

Apparently these people do not include Japan then, who have to pay money for 9.3 premiums to get in a perpetual uptier in their modern vehicles with '70s ammo.

Well, BMP-2M also has criminally low stats according to TS, but I wouldn’t call it to be a butchered vehicle by any means. Before you jump on me with “that’s a buyable vehicle with many noobs playing it” argument, several other premiums at around that BR exist and they have much higher stats.

It’s not a buyable vehicle but it’s a squadron vehicle, so realistically it will have worse statistics because of it, and it’s not an easy to play vehicle.

Leopard I is surely a decent vehicle at 8.0 and stating that it struggled at 7.3 is actually beyond me. One of the most common complaint about it is the fact it’s going against stabilized tanks with darts and whatnot, but that also applies to many other 8.0s, not just Leo I.

Leopard has no real redeeming factors, only thing it ever had was decent mobility but unless you’re going to run things over, that doesn’t’ get you kills, and at BR 8-9 that mobility means nothing and just gets you killed.

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For a competent game developer, yes.


Good reload, lower profile, decent gun, it is fast. It’s quite a good tank, it just does not have armour. It’s gun handling is fairly good too, and it’s a beast at longer ranges.

Saying the Leo-1 struggled at 7.3 is one of the largest skill issues ever. I’d say that the Leo-1 is better than the first AMX-30 at the same BR.

Mobility is (imo) the most important factor of any tank. If it is not mobile, it has to have other things to make up for that, like survivability, armour, how good the gun is, and other stuff.

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Stock reload of 8.7 seconds hardly seems worth mentioning, entirely average.
This is the same BR as the French with 4s autoloaders.
Average profile.
Average gun.
Average mobility.

Saying the Leo-1 struggled at 7.3 is one of the largest skill issues ever. I’d say that the Leo-1 is better than the first AMX-30 at the same BR.

It’s not an opinion, it statistically clearly did.
AMX-30 also not performing well.
Same reload as the Leopard 1.
Same profile.
Same 105mm gun but limited to HEAT here which I don’t know how it performs, but APDS and HEATFS not great either atm.
Same speed and HP/t as the Leopard but is able to reverse 3 times as fast.
Better turret rotation speed.
And it gets a 20mm on top.

So I’m not sure what makes the Leopard such an amazing vehicle whilst the AMX is constantly touted as a useless vehicles when the only possible downside is the ammo selection.

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Not average. It was practically the best at 7.3 and still one of the best at 8.0.

Well, we are speaking about german TT…

HEAT is bad. Thats all. APDS is better, even with its current problems. Still best gun.

Even less armor than leopard (can be killed by even some weak autocannons). Worse gun. Awful line-up (you either uptiering vehicles from 7.7 or uptiering AMX-30 with 8.3 vehicles at best, while Leopard have 6 vehicles from 8.0 to form a line-up )


But it has APDS/HEATFS and good long range capability.

It is way more mobile than any other MBT, and it rivals light tanks in mobility.

It is worse than APDS/HEATFS

It is much taller.

The Leo feels (and is) much faster.

It isn’t useless, it just isn’t as good as the leo 1.

LOL what an “upside”

no it doesn’t

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I’m afraid it is.
Most people will start with either US/USSR/GER, because they might’ve heard something about some vehicle and look to play just that.
I mean, Shermans, T-34s, Tigers, Leopards, Abrams’, T-series tanks are all much more popular and known about by a regular guy than something like Chi-Ri, Type-series, etc.

Everyone should have a decent experience, doesn’t matter if you’re a 8.0 player or 9.3 Japan player.

It can be bought with GE so yeah, it is a buyable vehicle.
The fact it can be grinded by f2p players is actually a benefit to it, considering some of those people surely have more experience than a wallet warrior.

It might not be an easy vehicle to play, but those TS stats suggest it’s absolutely horrible at 10.0 and should be brought down immediately, which in my opinion isn’t necessary at all.

It has decent gun handling, reload, optics and shells for 8.0, while it’s probably the most mobile out of them all. It lacks stabilization but that’s the case for most others and is a reason why I think Vickers is the best 8.0 medium by a pretty substantial margin.

If Leopard is butchered, then there’s like half a dozen vehicles that are even more butchered lol.

XM also gets 380mm HEAT, and an ATGM

More options never hurt, I have used the ATGM pretty frequently on the Kpz and enjoy the addition.

no it doesn’t

Definitely more than the Type 16s so I mean, yeah.

I’m afraid it is.
Most people will start with either US/USSR/GER, because they might’ve heard something about some vehicle and look to play just that.

As a minor nation it’s always less popular than a main, but out of the minor nations Japan is probably amongst the least popular as well due to the way Gaijin has treated them.

It might not be an easy vehicle to play, but those TS stats suggest it’s absolutely horrible at 10.0 and should be brought down immediately, which in my opinion isn’t necessary at all.

A wallet warrior isn’t as likely to spend a stupid amount of GE on a non-premium, it’s just a difficult to play vehicle outside of it’s ability to fire missiles on the move which is still an exclusive Russian feature.

Pretty sure it used to be like 8.7 at some point as well so it probably earned the BR increases anyways.

This is what I’m trying to say.
Major nations will inherently have much more players, thus Gaijin will obviously cater to them the most. It’s a clear business decision, will you cater to large majority and make them as happy as they can be, or will you treat them the same way as you treat the minorities to offer everyone the same experience, but lose money in the process.
Gaijin wants money so it’s clear what they’ve chosen.

Japan’s problem is a clear lack of good lineups from 9.3 to 11.0. They lose a massive chunk of players because of that, at least in my opinion.

Indeed, this is why BMP-2M’s average skill level should be higher than of those premium vehicles, but yet it has worse stats than them which speaks volumes. Of course, if you want to blindly trust TS.

Just like the Leopard I ?
I believe some people might have issues with Leo because you jump straight from 6.7 WW2 vehicles that have really good armor, to 8.0 that has little armor. This is a pretty big change and some people are definitely caught off guard.

Major nations will inherently have much more players, thus Gaijin will obviously cater to them the most. It’s a clear business decision

You can easily cater to both, there is no reason why you have to neglect Japan, Gaijin wants money but they keep throwing it away left and right.

Japan’s problem is a clear lack of good lineups from 9.3 to 11.0. They lose a massive chunk of players because of that, at least in my opinion.

That’ll happen when you copy paste a vehicle 4 times and still manage to not allow them to make good lineups, and then copy another vehicle 3 times and still don’t allow it to make for a good lineup.
And then make some of those premiums that are both outright better versions of the TT ones because pay to win is always cool but place them at the worst BR in the game and then nerf their shells so they get shit on.

Indeed, this is why BMP-2M’s average skill level should be higher than of those premium vehicles

Not really when those same wallet warriors get the vehicle anyways, alongside a lot of other people who aren’t ready for it, and a BMP is never going to have a better average performance than a 2S38 or Turms.

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I think they want as much money as possible with as little effort as possible. Perfectly balancing out hundreds of vehicles at the same time is not an easy task, which probably leads them to focus on the vast majority to save time and work.
Just look at plenty of copy/paste premiums that are piss easy to create, you just add a different skin and sell it for 70 euros.

In my opinion they could be earning more money by fixing some things which will make the whole playerbase happier. But in order to do that, they might have to spend who knows how many hours and I guess they don’t see that making those improvements will lead to big enough increase in profits to justify the hard work.

I guess they aren’t confident that investing work into Japan will have an acceptable return, so dealing with that is not on their priority list, since much bigger cash cows are surely available.

Wallet warriors will probably pick TURMS or 2S38 over 2M for obvious reasons, which as I said, won’t reflect positively on those two premium’s stats.
It doesn’t need to have better average stats than those vehicles, but TS clearly shows godawful performance across the board for 2M which definitely isn’t normal for any vehicle. I think TS is far from being accurate in determining which vehicles are suffering.

That one may be true but what about the kpz/mbt 70 ?
The Dart is still very weak and it can not fight stuff with composite armour as well as a leo with DM 33 at the same br .
It might have mobility with the cost of survivability.
But moving it to 9.0 would be a nightmare for 8.0 Tanks.
So I think that some BR decompression would still be nescesarry here.

Meanwhile the Leo 2k can stay at its br without any nerfs with the br decompression.
It still just does not feel right to play this monstrosity without being able to pierce a T 64A frontally with the dart from certain angles when you miss weakspots slightly.
At least the T 64 has some more valuable armour now…

Of course, they do this for the money and not for our gaming pleasure.
This might not be the way to make the most money, but it looks like to be a great way to make loads of money really effortlessly.

I believe they might be afraid to make drastic changes that are needed to fix the game completely, considering it would be a great risk and it could easily backfire if not done perfectly. They surely thought about this once and discussed that keeping things as they are now is a safer bet long term.
Also, the game is constantly growing which is surely a positive thing for Gaijin, so they’re in no hurry to bring massive changes that will undoubtedly shake up the game.

Changing numbers is indeed easy, but what’s not easy is to know how those changes will impact the game on the bigger scale.

Because vehicles are balanced to perform in an average fashion at their BR, and 2M’s stats are all but not average, thus would highly likely lead to a BR decrease. Of course, if those TS numbers are even close to being accurate.

KPz has 6s reload (instead of 7.5s) which is a massive benefit when shooting rounds that aren’t great.
It also has massive mobility and gun handling advantage over premium Leopard.

But I agree that decompression is highly needed around this BR.

Why are you shooting UFP on an angled tank ?

Yeah, at least it isn’t lolpennable by some vehicles, but it’s still hot garbage at 9.3.

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I haven’t touched the kpz after the decompression for some time.
I can just remember trying to hit the drivers port of a T64 and not being able to do anything to it on several occasions

So M735 is going to forever remain in a sorry state all because of false information? God that’s disappointing.


If you ever needed evidence of how trivial it is to nerf NATO equipment and how difficult it is to get any sort of improvement.


+1 this round need to get denerfed it’s now completely useless and i hate playing my xm-1. It’s just garbage shell that will meet constant spam of tanks/wheelers with 400mm of pen. Or even 2S38 in uptiers that has almost the same shell as you except he can shoot it every 0.5s.