Very true, but as it seems we can’t do much about this. Gaijin obviously cares less about minor nations considering they surely create less profits, and forcing them to put more effort to get less money is a very hard thing to do for anyone.
It’s the exact opposite in the end, their lack of effort is costing them money, and less profits is because they neglected it.
A6M5 Ko being at 5.3 now, the Ki-87, a literal prop plane can face a Mig-21, R2Y2 losing the airspawn and going from 6.7 to 8.0 somehow, the Ho-Ri getting nerfed from having -40 reverse speed and going up in BR.
Type 89 getting absolutely butchered and going up in BR, RCV with 90mm of pen, no stab, no thermal, no rangefinder… could also just play things like the SPAA Lvkv 42 at 4.3 with similar pen, now the Type 16, FPS getting nerfed alongside the M735 nerf, no CAS options, their premium is still a Sabre at 9.0 with 2 bombs, RCV P is also stupid at 7.7 which is just a worse Wiesel, giant BR gaps, pointless vehicles without lineups etc.
You can’t just make playing a nation a miserable experience and then complain about it not being popular or profitable enough.
Then 8.0 vehicles will get yet another 9.0 vehicle that’ll absolutely stomp them. It might seem like a solution for Type 16, but “fixing” it might “break” many other vehicles down the line.
What 8.0 vehicles? There aren’t even that many, US and Russia don’t play 8.0 to begin with so it’s just a few minor nations at best, and again the Type 16 adds literally nothing new, and not like fighting an Object 279 is fun for them or the plethora of wheeled vehicles they already face.
Look at how they butchered the Leopard.
Type 16 isn’t the issue, BR compression is, and in this case I think allowing Japan to actually be played is more important than preventing a bad BR from continuing to be bad.