M735 is no longer an acceptable round at 9.0 and 9.3

GuP when™

Welcome to Warthunder.

First time? Basically everything that isn’t APHE is nerfed for many nations.

Obvious case of russian bias. Russian vehicles never get nerfed like this. so again other nations are less competetive by this nerf. its stupid. this is why gajin gets 0 cents from ne anymore. i wish i could refund everything.


“Russian bias is when tank was nerfed”

The Mig-23s are getting huge flight model nerfs soon. So you are wrong by saying that.

M735s issue isn’t pen, it is post pen.


Also, it is fair to call this a ridiculous nerf. The M735 round got a significant decrease in penetration, from a document that Gaijin admitted was not actually true, and they never reverted it. It may follow XYZ principle but we have it sold in gold that M735 penetration is too low compared to in real life, so it is fair to call the nerf stupid. Maybe not Russian Bias, but stupid. Real stupid.

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Here you go.

I agree that the nerf is bad, and should be reverted, but I believe that it didn’t affect it as much as people say it did. Especially since a moderator said that the report that nerfed it was false.

It’s wild to be fighting 10.3 tanks consistently with 292mm of pen in a vehicle that really doesn’t have many redeeming factors.


The only one I struggle with is the 2A4s. It’s also the only tank that got much harder to kill because you can’t pen it as easily. It also doesn’t help that 9.3 is 10.3 80% of the time.

My problem is that even when hitting weakspots you’re in trouble with inconsistent post pen.
And seemingly most people struggle.


Cool, thanks. I just didn’t want this to be one of those “uhhhh it was a leak list” things lol. But that’s definitely a good source.

Yeah I wasn’t necessarily arguing for Russian Bias, I just think the round nerf was stupid.

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