M52 Self Propelled Howitzer

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M52 Self Propelled Howitzer




The M52 self propelled howitzer was a further development of the M41 “Bulldog”, alongside the M44 self propelled howitzer, also developed from the M41. The main difference between the M44 and the M52, is the armament and turret, the M44 adopted an open top turret housing a M45 155mm howitzer, while the M52 adopted a enclosed turret housing a M49 105mm Howitzer. Both adopted a reversed drivetrain, as well as a AOS-895-3/5.

Development of the M52 started in 1948 when Detroit arsenal was tasked with initiating the development of an innovative combat vehicle in the Howitzer Motor Carriage (Later SPH) class. The requirement was for the new model to utilize the chassis of the latest light tank M41 Walker Bulldog and feature a 105 mm caliber cannon mounted in a rotating turret. Considering the lessons learned from previous self-propelled artillery models, the customer insisted on a fully enclosed turret capable of shielding the crew from attacks from any direction. This new endeavor was assigned the working title T98.

The M52 first rolled off the production line in 1951. but it was plagued by many issues and withheld from service until the year 1955, too late to see service in the Korean war. The M52 was exported to Germany, Jordan, Austria, Greece, Spain, Tunisia, Japan, Turkey, Taiwan, etc…

Taiwan acquired the M52 in 1962 and allocated it to its armored units. Following the introduction of the M108, it was reassigned to the 3rd Battalion within the Artillery Division of the 333rd Infantry Division. There is no information that stands out about the M52’s service life, it is unknown if any ever saw action. It is presumed that all of the M52s were retired sometime between the 1970s into the 1980s.

If anyone has more information, feel free to share. (I could not dig up a lot of info for this)

Technical Data


Crew - 5

Weight - 24,500 kg

Length - 5.8 m

Width - 3.1 m

Height - 3.2 m

Turret Ring Diameter - 1.85 m

Powerplant - Continental AOS-895-3 Supercharged Gasoline Engine ( 373 kW at 2,800 RPM)

Max Speed - 56 km/h

Transmission - Allison CD-500-3 (+2/-1)

Suspension Type - Torsion

Tracks - T91E3


Assembly - Welded

Armor Configuration - Rolled Homogeneous Steel

Hull UFP - 13mm

Hull LFP - 13mm

Hull Sides - 13mm

Hull Roof - 13mm

Hull Floor - 9.53mm

Gun Shield - 13mm

Turret Front - 13mm

Turret Sides - 13mm

Turret Rear - 13mm

Turret Roof - 13mm

Fire Control / Armament

Main Armament Mount - M85

Main Armament - M49 105mm Howitzer

Ammunition Count - 102 (21 Ready Rack)

Ammunition Type - HE/HEAT/WP

Main Armament Traverse - 60°/60° (Left/Right) +65° -10° (Up/Down)

Gunner Sight - M23 Periscope / M101 Telescope









FM 6-77 105-mm Howitzer M52 Self-Propelled

105mm SPH M52 (afvdatabase.com)



Ooh, take my +1! The M52 would definitely make a fine addition to both the US and Chinese Trees

So they can slap it in at 6BR with WW2? No thanks ,enough of that s**t


Sadly that isnt how this game works.


Sadly being the word


The gun it uses is WW2 technology, lmao

So the cannon alone has likely already slapped German/Italian/Japanese tanks around.

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It came in the 60s mate so keep your fake WW2 tanks for Hollywood and bad war films

we’ve been using 105mm howitzers since before ww2


They had Howitzers in the Napoleonic war but it has nothing to do with War Thunder old chap.

The M52 SPH began production in 1951, and was based on the M41 Walker bulldog chassis.

In summary, do your research before spouting off inaccurate statements.

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Yes that is 6 years after WW2 ended and and as long as WW2 actually was. Like saying a BT5 is a Pershing. 6 years is a long time in tank development.

Personally, i would see this maybe being a 5.7 (without HEAT), or 6.0-6.3 with HEAT (same as M4 105), due to its poor protection and rather large silhouette.

Ehhhhhh. Technically speaking, by the time it began production and entered service, it was deployed alongside late WWII-era tanks. So, from a gameplay perspective, it’d make sense to stick it at 5.7-6.0. After all, it’s just a lighter, less armored, and more mobile M4A3 (105). It really shouldn’t affect gameplay too much.

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Hopefully not

Did you not read anything he said? The M4A3 105 has similar firepower at a much lower BR, with far better armor.

I don’t think the game is going to suffer by not having this .Thanks anyway.

I don’t think the game would suffer much without any of the Tiger tanks. It’s a good thing the game doesn’t rely on such opinions.

It’s a good thing it doesn’t rely on your opinions

So what’s the point of you even coming to these posts and acting a fool by doomsaying? War Thunder was never a historically accurate WW2 game, and never will be.

you really wanna put this thing up against T-34-85 D-5T and T-34-85 lol, Also make it play against tigers?? How would it even kill anything if the M109G already exists at that BR range?

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