M4A3E2 back to 5.3

I’d say bring it and the panthers and tigers back down.

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The panthers should all be 5.7/6.0, and both Tigers should be 5.7.

The jumbo 76 and 75 need to go down 0.3 imo.

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I’m enjoying people thinking the Jumbo should go down to 5.3.

Nah, panthers and Tigers are the only thing keeping the jumbo in check.

When someone says that Panther is OP. Nooo, skill issue, just shoot barrel, track and flank. It has no reverse. Don’t touch it. It’s normal

But in case of jumbo its totally OP. Why so such double standarts?

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The Jumbo isnt OP, it has 104mm of pen, average speed, and armor that can be easily defeated by shooting the front of the tracks if its angled. The issue is it has nothing going for it at 5.7. The panthers shouldnt go higer than they are rightnow as that would make them useless and they would suffer the fate the jumbo is rightnow (75 varient).

The p,anthers have almost DOUBLE the pen, armor that matches aside from the turret, and better speed (forward as they have like no reverse speed). The panthers are mediums that act as heavies but, they have a better gun and can dual with just about any tank and can PEN the tanks, whereas the jumbo CANNOT brawl as it has to flank.

You shouldnt have to flank in a tank meant for brawling. You shouldnt have to play like a rat and take tracks and barrels to have a CHANCE to win the fight. You are blatantly ignoring the issues the jumbo faces because “hur durr jumbo hard to kill” when the german guns starting at 3.7 can cut through its armor and the panzer 4 can by aiming for weak spots (Mg port, top of turret, front of tracks, transmission, trap shot on the cannon, very top ridge where the hull has the extra armor welded on).

If people learned the weakspots instead of complaining about a heavy tank being hard to kill we wouldnt be here. Yet here we are. If youre in a german tank (panthers, tiger, tiger 2) you dont even have to worry about the 75 jumbo penning you from the front while you can cut through it like butter. Sorry but if you want to be able to lol pen the jumbo then dont complain about the tiger being 6.0 and getting lol penned as thats what you have brought onto the jumbo.

(No i dont think the tiger 1 varients should be 6.0 either but thats a whole other topic, but the panthers belong there).


Regular 75 jumbo yes, 76, nah keep that thing qhere it is. 75 jumbo shouldnt have to face Tiger2 as it is nowhere near an equal.

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75mm should be 0.3 lower than tiger 1 because it worse than Tiger 1 in wide metrics because lack of universality, only thing that 75mm had it armor making it useless in uptier when Tiger 1 is more balanced and still can fight. But 76mm got normal gun and better than tiger 1 because better armor + gun. So it should be 0.3 higher than tiger 1.

The M4A3E2 should definitely be sent back to Br 5.3. Yeah, it has good armour, but having that increased chance at facing Tiger II’s (having the luxury of being able to be uptiered to 6.7 now and fight the Tiger II(H), Jagdtiger and all the flavours of Ferdinand alongside the (P) and Jagdpanther.) is a bit too harsh on the Jumbo. The gun is no where near up to the standards of where it should be for that Br, and I don’t think frontal armour and a low speed stabilizer is enough of an equalizer.

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M4A3E2 is similar to the Churchill but with a 50cal.It has good armour and a poor gun at it’s BR so it could be 5.0 easy.5.3 was correct IMHO One thing WT got right.It worked well facing a 5.3 Tiger and I had some good face offs with the Tiger.I guess having fun with WT is frowned upon.

5.0 will be OP right now because of uptier of other tanks. 5.3 very good.


I’m good with 5.3 and enjoyed playing the M4A3E2 at 5.3 .I think Gaijin will return it to 5.3 soon

Dude, I can literally say the same about jumbo players about panthers.

The jumbo is fine, if you wanna bring it down then bring the things that keep it in check down.

And the Tiger 1 having a higher chance of seeing T29s and T95s. What’s that got to do with anything?

Agree with this 100%

Late Pz 4, T-34-57 and everyone keeping it check just because of MG port which also can’t be hidden with decorators now. Also LFP have weakspots. And Jumbo must go in CQC because of it’s gun and show weakspots. Vk 3002 still on 5.0. Panther D still on 5.3

Leran the weakspots on it, there are so many tanks that can pen it from 3.7 to 5.3. Use them. The panthers need to stay where they are, THEY have guns with almost 200mm of pen, learn to shoot weakspots and learn to flank. Its a heavy, its SUPPOSED to be hard to kill.

MG ports do not keep anything in check. If you want the jumbo to come down then the things that could fight it need to as well.

Soviet 85mm can pen UFP because of slope modifiers. KwK 42 on VK 3002 and Panthers D can do it too. Those vehicles is on its BR. What problem?

And? The tigers and panthers fine vs jumbos. That’s why the tigers are at the same BR(except the tiger E for some dumb reason) and the panthers are .03 above and will still remains as such. The jumbos are fine, if we move them down then they need their contemporaries to come down with them.