M26 pershing at 6.7

Dunno man, think I need a source on that.

It’s that dang compression. I mean we have 13.0 for air, can we not get it for ground now???

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Yeah, its pretty bad everywhere. Honestly you could easily go to about 15.0 lol

Probably higher ngl XD


sad ikv103 and PT-76 noises

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And Maus crushes tanks in downtiers. This is why it was “removed”.

My point was that tanks are balanced based on efficiency, not the era they’re from. Yes, the game loosely follows the time period each tank was produced with their BR, but there are (and should be) many outliers.

HEATFS is not an overpowered round. The damage is perhaps the most inconsistent of any round type (besides APCR/early APDS), and it cannot be shot through many objects.

I would take a King Tiger over a 6.7 HEAT slinger any day.


Balancing based on era is rediculous, always has been rediculous, and always will be rediculous.

I dont even understand why people try to even argue for it. If it were based on era the Tiger 1 would be a lower BR than all of the 76mm shermans and the same BR as the earliest 75mm shermans.

Its dumb to even suggest


The M26 is probably the best 6.7 medium. It’s got exceptional firepower, good armour, and despite everyone’s complaining, good mobility.
The problem is the Tiger II H being 6.7 compared to the P at the same BR. For that matter, the T34, and many more 6.7s are undertiered because Gaijin conveniently forgot to move up the most popular tanks when 6.0-6.7 decompression happened.

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Because there aren’t many 6.7 mediums to begin with lol. There’s the M26, the T-44, the Type 61/ST-A3, and the AMX M4. Out of those, I’d personally pick the AMX because of the good (for 6.7) reload, good mobility and high penning gun.


Ok to be fair I forgor the AMX. That’s definitely better.


sounds like a german skill issue, the king tiger can pen the pershing anywhere but the pershing has to aim for weakspots and load apcr.

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M36B2 fires HEAT-FS and nobody complains about it in game. M26 did fire HEAT-FS too but it was only for fire range if I recall correctly.

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Rofl… erm… People have since it was added. High chance of pen but low pen and vulnerable to one HE shell and can’t shoot through a fence etc.

APHE round but a more vulnerable hull to get in the right position.

But people want this essentially to sit at 7.7+ as it has HEAT-FS, which then becomes “crap” at about 8.3 when APFDS starts to generally take over.

This is why algorithms are the better option as player opinion would probably fully ruin balance/never balance anything.

Only reason I saw these vehicles (M26) shift here was after the slight decompression of 5.0-6.0 (Churchills no longer face Tigers etc), but then the slight shifts in 7.0-8.0. Then the squashed BR range of 8.0-9.0 due to the lower shifts.

Tldr: 6.7 is not the old 6.7 due to 5.0-8.0 alterations.


Japan ST-A1 sits at 6.3 while having HEAT-FS, M46 trading off 0.3+ for HEAT-FS and M26E1 sits at 6.7, while having better cannon too. What people want is common sense and logic, I don’t care about the decompression thingy, normal M26 sitting at 6.7 withouth having anything to work with is a crime. Balancing roughly according to statistics on the net graph is heavily flawed too. Take Rainbow Six Siege for example where Ubisoft balances relies only on statistics while nerfing everything to the ground too.

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Due to its weaker armour and an optic not good for closer ranges. See, decompression-lite.

And going by the common sense and logic of all players you might say one thing yet the next player is the polar opposite, so who is right?

It is literally THE most important issue in all of WT and has always been. More difficult in GF yhan AF due to lineups v single spawn mode. I do not get those that are flippant about compression.

Sorry, what do you mean here, the vehicle or the lineup? Just to be clear as can be read multiple ways.

Yes, I agree. In my opinion due to how every match has different nation v nation and player types, and on top of that is skewed by relative popularity of nations. K/D and win rate are just a small part of the game in my mind.

However, players cannot EVER agree, nation biasis exist, so going just by player thoughts is bound to be more flawed; especially since most players don’t even play this mode, most players do not go to forums, the forum is not a true representation in the end.

My point is although the M26 is now 6.7 it has moved up with fair few following it (all Tiger Is increased etc.), and 6.7-7.7 vehicles had a shift up in places (why 8.0/3 is hilariously compressed at same BR). So in general they face a lot of what they already did in the past. Now THIS is a start of decompression, where if the ceiling wasn’t so stupidly set at around 8.0 to be compressed to hell and back it would have made sense.

If 8.0+ was not so compressed (in my opinion) then vehicles superior to say the M26 would be able to shift up and then be more comfortable for those moved up to help sub 6.0.

So until they decompress properly (laugh) either way some vehicles are stuck in a possible limbo.

And in game vehicles at same BR are not perfectly matched, some are balanced by SL modifiers (earnings is a HUGE part of how the game is ordered), some by the fact they exist as part of a certain lineup.

All I am saying is I can understand why there was some movement, and for the better, but only truly good if they raised the top BR by at least 0.3 minimum to allow for movements across all BRs. Whether that then produced some odd same BR comparisions or not might explain why we now get a few odd decisions/placements.

So, before Tigers sat at 5.7, now they are 6.0. When M26 was 6.3 Tiger was 5.7, both moved up the same and so nothing changes between these two. Many 7.3-7.7 moved to up too, so again M26 gets to see most of what it saw before, yes? Not saying it should not, but if M26 then goes down to its original 6.3 it would be in a better place than it has ever been, and then possibly undo the help shifting other stuff up was supposed to do.

For me I am glad (fair enough full uptier but still) a Church VII can longer see a Tiger I and less Panthers than it used to, for example.

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Can you show me? I couldn’t find anything saying it did myself

Any 90 mm M3 cannon can fire HEAT-FS.

I haven’t seen a document that states the M26 itself firing HEAT-FS, but there is a document that states the T26E5 firing HEAT-FS against another T26E5, and it uses the exact same cannon.

Whether the M26 gets HEAT-FS or not in game is a matter of Gaijin’s decision.

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And most AP 75mm cannon and the like can fire APHE, but Gaijin does not let them even though they could.

I think i’d place the ST-A3 above it. Good mobility, really good optics, 90mm gun with high velocity HEAT-FS along with good solid AP and M82 shot, all on an autoloaded 6s reload.

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While being by far the weakest entry here. Its only notable feature over the others is the decent reverse speed - optics are overkill and unusable below 600m, the shells are low velocity, it’s not very fast or responsive and has no armor.