That does not matter when using the crosshair in protection analysis. “Consider camera vertical angle” only applies to the protection map tool, which I am not using here.
That does not matter when using the crosshair in protection analysis. “Consider camera vertical angle” only applies to the protection map tool, which I am not using here.
It does.
Use M82,not the basic solid shot
The Jumbo 75 mm doesn’t get M82. M82 is a 90 mm round, which, some might assume, does not fit in a 75 mm barrel.
What I’m using is M61, which is the APCBC-HE round of the 75 mm cannon.
Bro stop responding to him.
For anyone who says the M26 cannot pen the UFP of a panther you’d be right. Well kinda. It has a chance to go through it at range and better odds for closer ones, but still wouldn’t recommend it. However the E1 and E1-1 can both UFP the Panther at almost any range
You need to be 30 mm or so meters or closer to have a decent chance to penetrate the Panther UFP with M82 APCBC. At that point, you’re so close to the enemy tank that you’re actively using your gun depression to shoot into the UFP, effectively from above, which decreases the angle of the hit.
With M304 APCR you can penetrate at ranges upwards of 250 meters, if the Panther isn’t angled.
Or You can just MG port them with ease
That works too.
Until Gaijin updates the Panthers to use the same MG port model as the Jagdpanther. 😓
It will inevitably happen.
7.7? When the M46 is 7.0 with HEATFS, the M47 is 7.3 with HEATFS, and the STA-1/2 are both 6.3 with HEATFS?
Are you mad?
They should obviously go up aswell. To be honest,8.0 for any HEATFS slinger, so WWII tanks wont meet them.
8.0? You mean the BR with 400 pen HEAT, some APFSDS, stabs, some laser range finders, ATGMs, and thermals in a max uptier? Because they have a measly 300 pen HEAT round with as much post pen as 47mm solid shot on a WW2 chassis?
Yeah okay, sure.
M26 should be 6.3 facing 7.3 max and that is pushing it.It should facing be off against late WW2 at best.
Trouble is 6 BR is such an era clusterf**k that nobody is even sure if a WW2 era even exists or any historical era for that matter.
People can talk about Korea but does that have any bearing in War Thunder?I am damned if I have any answer.
History only comes into play in this game when the UK request roof mounted MGs and APHE at 4BR,then suddenly its all about history and reality.
I liked the M26 as it was, it’s fine at 6.3, just leave it there.
No CHEAT-FS needed
Some weird discussion about penning Panthers here. I have heaps of experience with all 3 of the US guns being talked about here so here we go:
75mm M61 wont go through a Panther UFP. If you are lucky you might get through the cheeks of the turret if he is pointing straight at you. It will also really struggle to get through the side of a Tiger 2 unless he is completely flat to you at close range and you aim low sort of below the top half of the tracks. The sponsons are a big no no. Sponsons on a Tiger 1 are also a no no even completely flat side on.
76mm M62 also wont go through the Panthers UFP. You can get through his gun mantlet if you hit it square enough.
90mm M82 also wont go through a Panthers UFP but it will get through the LFP (and break his transmission, maybe kill or injure his driver or radioman but otherwise is a pretty meh shot) But it will easily get through the Panthers turret.
All 3 rounds will have zero issues 1 shotting Panthers from the side, all day every day. Easiest kill in the world honestly.
As for the Pershing, it was fine at 6.3, I dont know why it got raised to 6.7, it could easily go back to 6.3 and should imo
Ok. Let’s move IKV 103 up to 7.7. How about Ratel 90 or ELC Bis, or M56? Clearly because the round is soooo strong they should be moved up, right? It’s not like the chassis these guns are on suck or anything, or that post penetration is unreliable as hell on HEATFS. This is just heavy tank cope because they can be penned by things they fight frontally and they have to use their brains when fighting.
Good luck at higher tiers playing Leopards, AMX-30, T-54/55 etc.
I have multiple entire tech trees,so yes. AMX-30 used to be okay,the lack of stab is what makes it eh. T-54s are fine. Maus suffers from HEATFS aswell.
BR extend didn’t consider Tiger 2(H) last time, it’s like a standard and makes so many heavy and medium tanks which move to 6.7 like a joke.
Yeah it’s very surprising that the M26 and T26E5 are at the same BR. Something’s not quite right there lol