M1a2s at top tier

Sure sure.

your pretty much first message here:

i didnt know this was a meme topic

Then proceed to be toxic when someone made the same meme for you. lol i guess

None what you post here today is on topic and much less constructive


Thats the only thing he can do because he has zero experience with Abrams nor does have any M1A2 model.

Dont waste your time with him, i clearly explained that him and his buddies are not welcomed here yet they chose to stay and derail this topic.

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I also like how it always goes down like this:

+Hey, the Abrams has a wrong turret ring and other issues I think should be addre-


+Uh, sure, but that doesn’t mean…


+I just want not to be killed by SPAAs frontally through an artificial weakspot…?


Meanwhile you can make a thread asking Leopard 2A7 to be buffed from 670mm KE to 750mm KE and suddenly no one has any issue with that.


This is just every tank topic on the forum tbh. The ZTZ99A topic is flooded with Abrams apologists crying about their imaginary DU and spall liners. The Leclerc topic is the same. Feels like everyone is just afraid that Gaijin will only pay attention to one MBT at a time instead of actually fixing things, so they start fights among us.



If that’s the case… damn.

As an all-nation player, I just want ALL of the MBTs of ALL of the nations to have their issues addressed and corrected :(

Including Chinese MBTs, their wrong thicknesses and geometries and their missing spall liners.


Then proceed to be toxic when someone made the same meme for you. lol i guess

What are you even talking about. I genuinely don’t even know what you’re trying to refer to.

None what you post here today is on topic and much less constructive

Whenever I, or anyone else tries to post something with image and video proof it just gets handwaved by US mains and ignored. Necrons is a great example of that, guy spends a lot of time writing thought out and substantiated posts with images/videos attached and just gets labelled as another “US hater” and handwaved by the usual suspects.

There is a reason why US mains are becoming increasingly disliked, and it is because you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. Even more telling when people joked about le bad german mains for years but when people rightfully point out that the poor performance of the abrams at top tier is largely down to unskilled players and premiums it’s not a laughing matter anymore.

The US vehicles are fine, the playerbase is not. You cannot fix a playerbase being bad.

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I mean it’s not like the Russian, German and Swedish mains are that much better on average.

iirc in UFP case. It would heavily depending on the angle of impact. There are a change that APFSDS could shatter , bounce , Shatter but tail potion penetrate.
Also the location where the fuel tank are locate the shell would likely get caught / stop .

As for HE overpressure when hitting turret cheek. This shouldn’t be a things if the tank hatch are shut. unless HE round are very big) But armor hole /modeling issue might still cause this to happen. (note that this doesn’t apply to Abrams only)

irl case but with IED under tank.

Crew would likely get knock out. if their head got bumb into the wall.

I just don’t get all this “nation main” tribalism…

People being biased against (x) nations and anyone who plays them, going as far as having actual, genuine hadred towards others, etc…

Why can’t everyone just focus primarily on their favourite vehicles (all of them in multiple/all-nation players lol) and just let everyone else be and do their own thing too?

Some people appear to put more effort into going against others, than going for their own cases…

I get wanting to win an argument, but attacking his character and not checking their statcard first doesn’t help your own argument.

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I dont see any M1A2 model in there, do you?

Best thing he has its M1A1 AIM and even then he only has couple games in it, if you believe this is more then enough to talk about M1A2 families then i got nothing to say to you buddy.

The funny thing too is I’ve seen a lot of US players complaining about the 120S and saying that it is significantly worse than the 10.3 abrams regardless of the 0.3 BR difference.
I imagine I must be in for a real treat then because the 120S is fantastic, only complaint being that it is not in a tree where I don’t have to be on US teams.


I’m not a US main and even I wouldn’t go as far as to claim 120S is “fantastic”. It’s a glass cannon more akin to 2S25s albeit better at fighting hull down. Good firepower and turret armour, dogshit everything else (it’s an M60 after all).

I will claim the 120S is fantastic, because it is fantastic. It’s considerably better than a 2S25 because it has an exceptional turret, gun, reload, thermals, gun handling and depression. The only drawbacks it has are sub-par mobility and hull armour isn’t great. The latter not mattering much given you will be operating in hull down whenever possible.
It is substantially better than anything of the challenger 1 variants at both 10.0 and 10.3.
It is by far my favourite 10.0 tank in the game, but stuck in a tree I hate playing because the teams are awful.

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I see 95% of the M1A2’s armor with a worse round that can and has gone into 11.7 matches, with a positive KDR despite being stock.

He’s clearly waiting to be at that BR before he continues playing it since he’s at 10.x right now, and not because it’s “bad” or “underperforming” for the BR.


Exactly what I said earlier funnily enough. I have already liked what I’ve seen with the M1A1 AIM which is incredibly similar to the M1A2 (and I was fighting 2A7s/BVMs/90Ms anyway) and that is stock. It felt better to play that thing stock than it did to play spaded challenger 2s. Most of my deaths it too were from CAS/helicopters because that continues to be a problem, there needs to be better concealment from air options on maps.
Doesn’t help that the grind at high tier is painfully slow, even with a talisman on the 120S and the premium wolfpack.

He’s not, he just purposely avoding Top Tier Abrams or cant even grind them, yet he talks likes he has all the experience in the world.

Rules are simple, if you dont have any solid experience with certain vehicles then dont claim how good or bad they are.

Even though I did decent in it, I have never felt more miserable playing a vehicle than I did when I played the 120S.

I have honestly yet to notice a big quality difference between US mains and the mains of the other 3 big top tier nations (Russia, Germany and Sweden). It’s just that the BVM, 2A7s and Strv 122s are more forgiving to play for less experienced players.