M1A1s should not get 5s reload time

That fits a little too well since I own only two American Top Tier premiums for ground lol.

Although I have more than enough experience to use them with my LOSAT and A-10 lol

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yeah this is why i stopped grinding out italy… theres no point.

sadly the losat on works on huge maps or in the few remaining sniping spots that exist.

It’s still better to have something to keep me in the fight than to just rely on two premium tanks.

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Once u master the range finder, the losat is playable. Surprisingly, it feels like to me it can take more abuse to the hull than my Abrams 😂….

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The worst part about the losat is not having ammo storage.

in reality leclerc goes at 5s
We do not ear you about those type of realism

rangefinder? im more worried about the missile hitting the dirt lol

The rangefinder affects the missile guidance. Although, yes- sometimes the missile will still hit the dirt though lol

how would the range finder affect the missiles ?\

If you have the losat unlocked, give it a try. Unless they changed it, I believe the rangefinder communicates with the missile guidance to adjust its flight route.

5.0 Second reload is necessary until Gaijin decides it’s time to buff their survivability to be historical.

Round shattering on the UFP, better volumetric for the turret ring, better performance on the cannon breech.

The statistics back up the 5.0 Second reload buff. US Win rates were plummeting, the M1 in its current state is barely better than a light tank. The only effective armor it holds is frontally in the turret making the only possible play hull down at long ranges. The majority of Gaijin’s maps are knife fights.


honestly cope, im tired of the compression, having a decent gun is what we need when armor on anything other the turret cheeks is a one shot kill

Don’t be so optimistic about hulldown. I ve been killed through mantlet many time, often shots kill both gunner and commander and often kills me, but it can be applied to every tank except Leopards because of their complex model around gun mantlet.


Same applies to all tanks in a down tier. You can’t judge a vehicle just because it can do well in a downtier.
For example the T-72 trums can do really well in a down tier because there are very few tanks that can deal with it frontally. There are many more examples like this.

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I’m not judging it by it’s downtier performance, I was just saying it’s absolutely nuts in downtiers, which can’t be said for plenty other tanks as well.
My point being is that M1A1 was already pretty good at 11.0 and after this reload buff it’s more than just pretty good, at least in my opinion it doesn’t deserve to stay at that BR anymore.

What kind of player are you ??? Criying all around because this 5 Sec. ???

USA ??? High Tier ??? Have fun dying !!!

Since the last major release the USA are by far the worst MBT ever. The armour values are simply not there. The probability that a team with the USA will lose is immensely high. In addition, the dart is absolutely bad. Leo’s and LeClerces often take at least 2 shots, even with an actual safe kill. Almost completely powerless against the T80 and ZTZs. And against STRV ??? The big STRVs simply laughs at Abrams. Even the angles of attack on an Abrams are sometimes so stupid that you can kill these vehicles easily and nearly out of all posiiont. Unbelievable.

In reality, some Abrams are equipped with uranium-hardened composite armour. Their Dart is close to the NATO Dart. And the surivevablility is also amazing. But hey, who cares at these an realistic stats.

In this respect, the USA is currently unplayable. Unfortunately, this is another clear step backwards. It’s unbelievable how an entire top-tier nation can be ruined like this. I’m now playing matches from GRB 10.0 where there are no Americans at all. Very, very sad what Gajin is doing with this game.

Why do I come to this conclusion?
With almost (1) 100K battles and (2) 8 nations with complete tank research and (3) several years that I have been here in that game, I can judge this very well trust me. Besides I am not a one spawner or cash gamer

Oh yes … and if you then write a ticket, it says “This is not a bug, but part of the game”


The armor had Uranium armor you would be dead. It’s Depleted Uranium armor also this was the Abrams in the country not exported variants all exported ones were produced for the exported country in mind. Depleted Uranium Armor however was classified armor so it couldn’t be exported in fear of the enemy potentially capturing and studying it.

Also for WT, it is considered a bug since often it’s one of the best ways to get information to the developers quickly. So long you have a very very large quantity. That says something similar and this is not just for the US this applies to all nations and sub tree nations in game.

Funny is most countries that uses Abrams is very close to “USA’s enemy” so most of them will not get DU armor on it becaus the fear that Russia/China gonna find a way to get the info about it.
If Cannadian bought Abrams, bet that thing will get fully armor packages.

The U.S has a strict policy that no DU armor can be exported. It’s a simular situation as to the f22, which can not be exported at all.