M1A1s should not get 5s reload time

As I said, I’m fine with realistically recreated vehicles if it’s compensated with BR.
That being said, I think M1A1 with 5s reload at 11.0 is a bit too much.

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i think that’s more a result of gaijin gimping the challenger series of tanks super hard.

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Merkava should get equal reload as the nato tanks

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5 seconds is the reload times IF the blowout doors remain open. So maybe this should be implemented.

We want realism, right?

100% it’s the players

Go for it

Nah, many people are aware they are driving around in glass cannons.USA mains have no faith in their armored vehicles protection and that reflects in most USA mains game play. It’s on us to see and shoot first and hopefully we get lucky……majority of the time we don’t though.

I play completely different with Sweden… the confidence in survivability affects people’s gameplay. I’m somewhat decent with Abrams. But I feel like a god while using the leopard. Lol - IMO


Those players are an exception. 60% of top tier US players either one death leave, or have no idea how to position. It’s the most popular TT for new players, so it’s no wonder.


If we want more realism, loader can’t do his job if the tank makes off road at high speed.

So where are your posts about the Type 90s? with a 4.0 reload speed? the TKX P? 4.0 reload?

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You’re annoyed when you suffer, but not when an Abrams does? The Abrams will never have Armor on par with the Leopards because of its easy weak points, so it should make up for it somewhere else. That reload is the tradeoff.


Seriously , look up the people who keep talking about the Abrams each of them mains Russia. half of them play no other T.T other than Russia.

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I’m well aware. I’ve done the exact thing you did a few times to other people.

I’m planning to grind out the Abrams once I finish with the 2A7 and T-90M, but these people are seriously getting annoying. They don’t want a balanced experience; they want to obliterate everything uncontested.


If I can’t have better armor for being slow, I should at least be able to keep up in reload rate.

I knew it was bad, but I had no idea it was THAT bad.

so you havent played top tier u.s or U.S at all out side of the 2 premiums you have, but you want a tank you dont have, nerfed.

When did I say to have it nerfed?

for some reason it replied to you D:

Its a good thing no one hires you to make tanks.

i must be tired, i swear i thought i read something where you wanted the abrams nerfed