M1A1s should not get 5s reload time

The LFP isnt a oneshot like on the challenger ariete all of the soviet and chinese tanks

my god every tank at toptier has mantlet weakspots you’d know this if YOU PLAYED TOPTIER

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It is what it is, personally i dont like this upcoming change considering im grinding the Chally2 line.

Another lie.

My original post was clearly mentioning about Chally2E/3TD.

And nobody denied that part. Original discussion was about SEPV2 and why it was suffering against other top tiers.

Try not to lie anymore.

Funny is CQC require good tank movement handling (which is netraul steering), good reverse speed to peek then hide and good “instant” acceleration
None of them existed with Russian 9.3 and above.

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It barely exists with the T-80BVM its why its still the best russian Toptier tank its why i never got the whining about the T-90M especially after the ammo det changes made it just as easy to kill as a T-72A

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Ok maybe just the ariete. The leclerc and Abrams are both pretty proven platforms, but each does some things better than the other. However, the FCS has almost certainly been improved on the abrams and it probably could pull off a 3km shot

You say “the only actual weakspot the abrams has is some parts of the turret ring,” yet also say “every tank at top tier has mantlet weakspots.” Does the Abrams only have a turret ring weakspot, or turret ring, LFP, and mantlet weakspots? Pick one.

Against a moving a target? Nope. That would require an upgrade to the thermal imager to allow for auto-tracking. A Leclerc would easily out-detect and out-manoeuvre an Abrams before it knew what was even going on.

What his mean is “Target leading” that act the same as AA aiming system (indicator) we have in game.
Leclerc is the very first tanks has that implemented in the aiming system, some video M1 gunner aiming is just “manual tracking”, Leclerc in the other hand just choose the target then the aiming will do everything else.

SEPv2 or 3 has gen 2 right? And v4 suppose to get gen 3 thermals. I’m guessing the leclerc has gen 3. And again, I’m sure the FCS has been upgraded to that level by now, maybe quietly

A mantlet shot wont kill you
An LFP shot wont kill you
They arent real weakspots in the context of toptier

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That little excerpt applies to the SEPs as well. The only Abrams that will have a comparable FCS to the Leclerc (by that time) is the M1E3 becuase (as we already know) it will be using a French FCS.

It was buffed according to it’s irl autoloader, what we had in game before was a gimped Gaijin imagination that also had made up first stage ammorack.
Now it has it’s actual autoloader it has IRL which we got our eyes on thx for few frames from inside, as well as models.

US needs to lock back in for tank development. Don’t have an issue with using French tech but I know for a fact we are more than capable of doing better if we tried. It’s mostly for political/economical stuff though otherwise we’d develop our own FCS

Mantlet shot breaks barrel and/or breech → the Abrams is now defenseless and can be killed with a shot elsewhere.

Uhhhh, yes it will lol:

3BM60 hitting the middle of the LFP at 500m:

M829A2 hitting the middle of the LFP at 500m:

Front view of M829A2 hitting the middle of the LFP at 500m:

Weakspots means weakspot, not “oneshot area.”


If you’re not playing in a squad at toptier what are you doing granted you dont own a toptier so you would have no idea about anything relating to it

Ah yes protection analysis the most useless system they have ever added to the game because it is nearly 100% inaccurate to what actually happens ingame prot analysis is only useful when it comes to general armour pen and overpressure even then its wrong often, when it comes to spalling it is completely wrong

Most people don’t play with a squad, but ok.

It is not that inaccurate, not by a longshot.


Yeah come back when you can successfully simulate a shell shatter in prot analysis

It’s funny how you not too many posts ago complain about cherrypicking and then continue to die on this hill of “yeah well the challenger 2E is slightly faster than the heaviest/slowest abrams variant so they have mobility”.

Peak cherrypicking.

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True i was just trying to be nice to him by not just pulling the “nuh uh you’re cherrypicking”

Also, don’t forget the fact that the Abram still, to this day, uses a hydraulic system for elevation and turret traverse, and even worse, that it’s actually just a single plane (vertical) stabilisation. The Abram, even the SEP V3, might be one of the less technologically advanced tank (at least in the west), with its main and, imo, only redeeming feature compared to a Leclerc for exemple being its frontal armor, and overall survivability.

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