M1A1s should not get 5s reload time

Okay, soo apparently along the SEP modifications, it ended up being upgraded to having a 2 axis stabilisation, so that’s a mistake on my part. But still, I stand by the fact that having hydraulic drives is pretty terrible for accuracy, and stabilisation in general

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Is there any source that says the M1 to M1A2 doesn’t have two plane STAB

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The GTDSS that the Abrams uses isn’t nearly as horrible as you’re making it out to be. Accuracy during the gulf war exceeded all projected figures including accuracy on the move and was never seen as an issue in any after action analysis, nor was it considered a fault throughout a majority of its history. The K1A1 and K1A2 also use a licensed version of this stabilizer and no major accuracy faults were ever reported by South Korea either to my knowledge.

I agree that modern electric drives are better and SEP V3 is replacing the hydraulic drive with an electric one.

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I know it’s not that bad but consider that pretty much every other nations, including the russian have moved to the electric, it clearly shows that there were not really efforts made into making the abrams better. In all publicly available data from competitions between different nations tank, the Leopard with electric drive and the Leclerc (which at the time had half assed optics/gun FCS due to the engineers changing the optic every godfamn weekend) still outperformed the abram in their closer range and up to 2000m range. The Leclerc tropicalisé (which once again, had a brand new, yet worse optic than the standard Leclerc) only lost in night conditions to the abrams.
And none of those firing tests were done above 20-25kph, which is the OTAN standard « we can fire on the move », while more modern structures (like the Leclerc or type 10) than the abram can fire on the move with high accuracy at 50-70kph.
True, it’s also because the canon and canon breach center of gravity has been made to be at the center of rotation which isn’t exactly the case for either the Abram or (at least older) Leo 2s, meaning their Stan system has less work to do.


I definitely agree that the stabilizer upgrade for the Abrams was largely neglected until recently with the change on the SEPV3. I mostly feel this happened due it being good enough while other other upgrades were seen as more critical. Which in all honesty makes sense considering all the combat operations the Abrams took part in after Desert Storm weren’t exactly stabilizer intensive as it was mostly urban combat against insurgents.

Honestly ROE and not being able to just demolish peoples houses at a whim really held us back. Dozer Abrams would’ve gone crazy in urban combat

wasting your time replying to these trolls