M1A1s should not get 5s reload time

90% of the area’s the 2s38 can reliably pen are the LFP which does nothing unless you’re in a CR2, Ariete you should be hulldown like anyone with half a brain making use of what your vehicles design was intended for. I keep seeing you commenting on shit you have no clue about you literally dont own a single vehicle above 7.7 for Ground Then again seems to be a common trend recently on the forum people will waffle on about vehicles theyve never played or fought and act like they know everything about them you are only allowed to comment on ground vehicles up to 8.7 i dont want to see you talking about a 10.0 you’ve never seen

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The other day I saw one of them says “I went to my fren house to play the T-90M so I know more than you bro, I don’t have the tank in my account but I say I’ve played it at stepmother/stepsister house so haha 4-5 killed every game bro and oh it’s true, it’s true!”

You’re acting like there are tons and tons of places to go hull-down in game, and that top tier isn’t becoming Russian CQC doctrine paradise.

You dont even have a tank above 7.7 why are you commenting on toptier shut up
If the map is bad just Alt F4 before you load in and get a better one
Its laughable you think russian tanks are somehow the best at CQC when they’re not and you’d know this if you weren’t spewing bullshit the best tanks for CQC are the abrams and leopards because of their far better gun handling, survivability and comparable soon to be superior mobility

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Average response to a rational argument that isn’t based on experience, but just pure facts.

Russian tanks are literally designed for CQC, hence the small profile and the ERA everywhere (even though ERA massively overperforms in game). The Abrams is a huge target with massive weakspots when it isn’t allowed to go hull down (and guess what maps seem to be focusing on lately: CQC). It straight up has poor survivability, fullstop. Its mobility does not make up for that in the slightest. The Leopard 2A7s are better than both current Russian top tiers and US top tiers, but this is due to them having better armor and their mobility being slightly, slightly better than the Russian top tiers.

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You dont have toptier you neither have experience facing these tanks or experience playing these tanks would you take the words of a lv1 who just started the game as gospel because he said the russians have the best toptier no? Yeah thought so

Russian tanks were desinged to cross the fulda gap hence the lack of gun depression and smaller size and weight so they could be produced in larger quantities the use of ERA everywhere is because the russians are incapable or making good composites in sufficient quantity which is why theres a significant jump in composite armour quality at the T-90 and T-80U

Blatantly lying the abrams has some of the best survivability maybe behind the merkava because of its weird ammo position and crew placement in relation to its armour scheme

Again the only actual weakspot the abrams has is some parts or the turret ring and the drivers port which still ends up as a smaller weakspot when conpared to most toptiers

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I’m sure leclerc.and ariete are underperforming but tbh they just aren’t good tanks irl compared to Abrams and Leo 2.

The leclerc is definitely underperforming but the Ariete is just a bad tank caused by government corruption


He also doesnt have Top tier Abrams nor T-90M but he talks like he plays with them 24/7.

I would advice not to take his words seriously.

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Do you want me to reply or are you going to cry to the mods again when i prove you wrong in every metric and get yourself and everyone here a ban

Thats funny considering you’re the one who got banned because of that thread, Meanwhile i was constantly active on multiple threads on past couple days.

Its clear that you still havent learned your lesson and acting quite arrogant against other people, cherrypicking and lying.

Anyway you do you.

Do we need to go back to when you claimed the challenger 2/2LEP has better mobility than the abrams

I still find that one really funny especially considering gaijin is now increasing the weight of all of the challengers so now the second fastest challenger now has 18 hp/t

Both models still have better mobility then SEPV2 but you love to ignore and lie about that part.

Btw Abrams is the general name of that Family, learn the difference.

Until then both models will be still better then SEPV2 in terms of overall mobility.

You also still didnt learned that sharing PM in threads are forbidden, want me to call mods for that?

The M1A2 sepv2 weighs
66.1t with 1500hp
The Challenger 2 weighs
64t with 1200hp
Please tell me which one has worse mobility


Oh look another lie.

We specifically talked about Chally2E/3TD models but somehow it got turned to regular Chally 2 huh?

Big L, but not surprised.

The challenger 2E the absolute fastest challenger 2 has one a whole ONE more hp/t than the HEAVIEST ABRAMS VARIANT
and yeah the Challenger 3/2LEP is the exact same as the challenger 2 so its got around 18 hp/t well it will when its engine nerf comes into effect

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It still didnt changed and currently has 1500hp, when change happen it will be worse then M1A2SEPV2.

And that was the original point, you gonna lie about that as well?

Tfw a Leclerc would reliably defeat an Abrams at 3000m whilst travelling at 50km/h but the Abrams wouldn’t even be able to engage the Leclerc since it still uses auto-lead (and couldn’t shoot for shit at range):

French moved on from auto-lead over 30 years ago…


Yeah it hasnt changed yet but its going to change which is almost guaranteed because Britain genuinely isnt allowed meta vehicles ever

That wasnt the original point you shifted the goalpost from claiming the challenger 2 are all superior in mobility to the 2E and 2LEP are superior in mobility to just the 2E is superior in mobility all this just try to somehow claim the challengers are better than the abrams
Sure the 2E is faster than the heaviest abrams the SEPV2 but what does it give up for being slightly faster

A significantly worse gun
Significantly worse survivability
Worse armour
Worse gun handling
Worse overall reload
No anti air capability

Now if you played the sepv1 its essentially the same as the v2 so its better in every way to the 2E and its faster than the 2E

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Merkava and Abrams are the most survivable tanks in game? WTF???

You mean the massive LFP and mantlet weakspots don’t exist? Also the turret ring weakspot is massive.