M1A1s should not get 5s reload time

RedEffect’s video had the same issues from my reply above when it comes to DU and spall liners.

Spookston also didn’t talk about the amended materials license in his video, and also limited himself to purely only primary sources (which he still missed some) rather than relevant secondary sources from the US government (or other reputable sources).

Okay. Are those sources that say it has DU or spall liners any credible?

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DU definitely since there’s like a million of em, not sure if Count_Trackula has his account public anymore but he’s accumulated tons about it specifically. The spall liner stuff was from a while ago so let me figure out where that was.

And is the DU you talk about that 5 or so hulls that were made?

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No, that license was amended to be unlimited the next year. Hold up while I try to find stuff since I can’t just go off of Count’s account to find his posts lol

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Amended Materials License (i.e. not just 5 hulls):


Abrams Having DU (Generally):


Abrams having Spall Liner:


Community Bug Reporting System

M1,M1A1/HC/SA/AIM, M1A2/SEP/SEPv2 Missing Integrated Spall Liner

The entire production run of the M1/IP, M1A1/HC/SA/AIM, M1A2/SEP/SEPv2 included 2" Kevlar sheets rubberized into the structural armor of the crew cabin. This provided the entire interior with resistance to spalling , and a method of self sealing smaller breaches in the Kevlar, as the rubber melts during impact and self seals. They found that including Kevlar in the structural armor in this way was also easier on crew operation, due to the lack of Kevlar sheeting liable to get snagged during intensive tasks in the crew compartment. The Liner is found behind the bolted interior casings on almost every interior wall.


  1. The tank book: The definitive visual history of armoured vehicles. (2023). . Dorling Kindersley Limited.
    See attached picture


  2. “The M1 also tried in operations reactive armor over the track skirts to defeat RPGs, mostly encountered in an urban environment, or slat armor (rear and rear fuel cells) against ATGMs. A Kevlar liner prevents any spalling”

    In Profile: The M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank; Development, History, Users and Service

  3. “A layer of RHA provides the outer skin to the interlayered composition and the Abrams also features Kevlar spool liners inside the vehicle designed to stop any fragments sheared off internally by blast damage that may otherwise injure the crew.”

(End of Bug Report Quote Here)

That’s what I’ve found so far.


It’s a buff to shut the mouth off the US players even they didn’t ask for it but what they do ask is DU hull armor of SepV1 and V2 and that’s it


I agree with this. I play with the M1A1 AIM constantly and It is performing amazing RN. For realism’s sake, it is expected to have about a 5 second reload in real life though. Even if you moved this thing up to 11.7, would It really change anything? I have been playing at 12.3 because of the F-16C I put in my lineup, and I’ve still been runnning 1.5 KD with this thing. We wanted realism, and we’ve got it. Also doesn’t keep the BVM and the 90M from shitting on them, so whatever about balancing those.

It’s how spall liners have worked for naval ships for a literal century, but ok

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this is a better example

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kf41 is useless

The British got JAS39 and more challenger 3P, which has the best gun in the game. KF41 is one of the worst IFV, because gaijin put it in 10.7.

better dart but worse reload ill take the reload

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The reload time is balanced as other 120mm gun, about the armor… I never trust it.

Deflection at its finest, I guess SPAA can’t have radars since planes and naval vessels have them.


the gun doesn’t make the tank better then the other ones

It’s not the players!!! I have a solid win rate all the way up to sep and sep v2….
I swapped to Sweden high tier and won 70% of my games last night.

I have 28% win-rate in sep v2….


As I said, I’m fine with realistically recreated vehicles if it’s compensated with BR.
That being said, I think M1A1 with 5s reload at 11.0 is a bit too much.

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i think that’s more a result of gaijin gimping the challenger series of tanks super hard.

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Merkava should get equal reload as the nato tanks

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