Abrams Armor

bro’s, russia just needs a buff. when russia armor improvement? era seems to be lacking.

This is what they are currently using as their armor values of the Abram’s. Keep in mind a few things, this could, or could not, have been an export version in an effort to sell it.

(Green means Non-Penentration)

That is just the turret armor, I will find the Hull and post it.

Assuming you’re talking about the Swedish Trials, then yes it was 10000% an export version. The US has never exported its DU armor, ever.


Exactly, the DU armor was not an option for export

Not only that, there are only 6 of them equipped with it, all of them are tank school vehicles. So also, yet again, it’s still not been “used in combat” and there aren’t more than six vehicles, that is if that’s true.

Not true, the “muh 5 hulls” excuse (as someone else put it) was amended the next year to be unlimited, and we have multiple secondary sources saying that there has been DU in the hulls of at the very least the M1A1 HA, M1A1 SA, and M1A2 SEPv2. And those are the ones that have 4-5+ sources, for ones with 2-3 you add the M1A1 AIM, M1A2, and M1A2 SEP to that list.

This is what I’ve accumulated over ten minutes or so:

^^ This one explicitly showing that DU hulled Abrams were used in combat

Source about Swedish Trials being export versions with worse armor than the US domestic DU Abrams:

Additional sources about the armor of the Abrams improving since the later M1A1 variants (they are essentially copy-paste right now):


He’s a link to a new look at the abrams composite armor

here you have official public photos of the Abrams armor cross-section, now we are waiting for the proper implementation

Images from its strip-down prior to display in Moscow.

Looks good eh? 👍

Looks like armor :3


if anything era is overperfoming specifically russian era

How so?

That’s the M1150 which has different (less) armor to the normal M1A1s

Funny thing is that is the m1150 assault breacher that hit a mine and is on display. Its based off the m1a1 armor/hull and its armor isnt even up to the a2, or any sep versions. As for the armor profile…I have serious doubts that you know who will even address the issue with proof right off the battlefield. Probably be modeled as aluminum sub structure to hold the rest if anything. Cool thing is…see the powder in the bottom of the turret…do you know what metal turns to powder under impact/heat? Refractory metals…uh oh.

Why is that “uh oh”

knowledge is power.

I can also or guarantee you that it’s just tungsten, to my knowledge even the Russians use Tungsten in their armor

ah, but along with the DU inserts is tungsten modeled? DU is 15% stronger than tungsten…and tungsten is 2.5x stronger than hardened steel armor.