Lower the SU-25BM pleass

I did 3 matches in the Lightning F53 (9.3) the other day and had to fight A-10s and A-6 in all 3 matches. Hunter F6/Jaguar Gr1 at 9.7 sees them even more often.


Bugged in the sense that it spins, has no flare resistance and should have 60G instead of 40G woo hoo.
Even after buffs it will be easy to flare.
Just use brain and don’t play like a bot

Well yeah, 9.3 means the 4 vehicle restriction is at 10.3 not 10.0.

flare resistance might get fixed it has IRCCM, you dont know anyhting about that. Even then saying dont play like a bot, a missle like that doesnt deserve a 10.0 or 10.3 br, if anything maybe at 11.0 or 10.7

If you think so you are one of those “skill issue” people.
If you see someone launching a missile at you on the lead you are probably still flying with AB on, not maneuvering and not even using flares.
As it is, 10.7 is acceptable.

The SU-25BM/T/39 itself is unplayable on 11.3 BR.
Too large of a map and by the time it gets to the center it’s practically almost the end of the battle.
And about the grind of the modifications it’s to bad to talk.
I haven’t unlocked the SU-25T myself yet because it’s on 11.3 BR and I see how people get tired playing it when I fly my mig29/yak41.

It’s a brand new missile system that is not fully implemented yet, All Shini is saying is wait. GIve it a few weeks. Wait for it to be Finished and then start thinking about moving it about. Could the Su-25BM go lower, maybe. But lets not move it down now, then R-73 gets fixed and it need to go back up again. Its a waste of time


(on another note, no ground attacker has a good time in ARB, I know soviets are use to being OP in everything, but that is one enviroment that that type of aircraft will never be good in)

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Strike aircraft whose br is determined by ground performance, on top of that the IRCM it has makes it problematic at lower brs which hinders them from being lowered in the br
you just dont understand game balance

Use it on its primary game mode ground then you dont have a problem with map size

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xD is it hard for a fighter to shoot down a flying su-25 block with a cannon no?
Yes play with stock SU-25 right away in GRB and unlock modifications…
That’s what RB is there for, and the current 11.3 doesn’t serve anyone’s purpose

And being a full BR lower is going to stop that?

As I said, 11.3 is not BR for the Su-25 because of the size of the maps and the aircraft it faces.
10.3-10.7 is appropriate as it is.
Everything is to be determined…

And for the will to be clear, no one thinks that the Su-25 is a fighter and should get unknowns (R-27R/ER,R-77 for SU-39 etc.).
It’s just that the RB is used to unlock modifications to play it in GRB where it was created to do so.

9.0-9.7 vehicles might have a big problem to shoot them down yes

You knew what u would get with the su 25bm, you could always have decised to not use it yourself, all strike aircraft have problems on big maps, they do better at sim battles

This is where a thorough analysis and adjustment of the maps and BR would come in handy.
Recently I played mig-17as and 90% of the time it gave me uptier with huge maps.
Even if the SU-25BM/T/39 is on 10.7/11.0 it will still be 90% uptier

Yes that is a general problem, but the su 25bm isnt at fault at that, it has its deserved place at 11.3, they might need an air spawn yes

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9.0 see all aspects PLENTY.

There are literally like… 36 jets at 9.0 and up that don’t have flares. Think of any of them.


I agree, anything subsonic above like 10.7 should get an airspawn

Totally irrelevant, if that was a balancing consideration then Harrier Gr7 also needs to be 10.3 not 11.7. Its basically the same speed

Then I want Aim-9Ls on the Jaguar Gr1A. If R-73s can be at 10.3 on a sub-sonic, then I think 9ls on a transonic is only fair.

At msot I could see it going down to 11.0, but not a full BR drop, that would be insane

As soon as the A-10 Early, A-6 Intruder, Su-25 etc are all 10.7+ you can get your wish!

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And I’ve played them, and rarely do I come across 10.0, cause 8.7 is so popular that 9.7 is the maximum.

The Mirage 2000D-R1 is far superior to the Su-25BM/T/39 in terms of CAS.
Thermal imaging, radar, speed, etc. and it is at 11.3.
They will just probably lower the BR for the SU-25 from 11.3 soon seeing after 2 months how poorly it is doing.
A matter of time

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XDDD you have aim-9l on A6 tram and on A-10 in BR 10-10.3 and nobody complains because it’s USA.
If USSR gets something then immediately the lamenting and crying starts.

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