Low Kugelblitz battlerating

Kugelblitz should be 5.3 - 6 not 7.0




Yes, the firepower is similar to the M53/59 (br 6.3)


Yep, “bUt the ArMour is better” say that to the bomb on your skull!

Yes. The kugelblitz should be max 6.7. I suggested the change already 3 times in br changes with a decent amount of likes but no changes


Or give it at least a full HVAP-T belt.


Nahh too powerful and imbalanced, here you got penetration nerf from 100 to 77mm point blank.

Kugel and Wiesel1A4 must be lowered, the current br rating is just pathetic.


6.7 to have a good setup.


Just unlocked the Skink which seems the same as the Kugel but all the way down to 5.3 opposed to 7.0.
Kugel has a bit more pen without the HVAP, and the HVAP itself has been nerfed heavily, how is that a 1.7 BR difference and sitting at an utterly useless BR.


Kuglplitz should be at 6.3-6.7 and we should get Zerstörer 45 at 6.0-6.3 to seal the gap


5.3 is to low but 6.7 for sure.


not talking about armour

For the sake of keeping CAS in check where it happens the most, lowering the Kugel doesn’t sound like a bad idea. But Gaijin just wont do it due to players using them as TD’s rather than SPAA duty. Not saying its wrong to use them as TDs since they are effective, but because they are killing tankers with it, it sits at a high Br. If people focused more on SPAA duty then would of most likely sit lower Br. British Falcon for example wasn’t always at 8.3, used to be lower but players kept using it as a TD soooo boom…8.3 now…

It has a 100 round belt of which 66 won’t pen anything, it’s a Panzer IV chassis at 7.0 without a lineup and having to shoot at jets whilst a nearly identical SPAA in the Skink is at 5.3 because it has lower pen.


ehhh no line up at 7.0, that sucks. But yea, I don’t play it but I seen what it can do. However, I do believe it should sit at 6.7 to avoid the Tiger II H and other 6.7 tanks from facing 8.0 tanks if they plan on using the kugle with that 6.7 line up.

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Russia has an SPAA with a full HVAP belt with higher pen at 6.3.


Just checked…Didn’t even know that…why even??? I smell bias and unfairness. Then again M42, M19, So-Ki do have full AP rounds as well. Why can’t kugle have full AP?
Screenshot 2024-02-13 171314


The Kugel is HVAP/HE/HE so you only pen 1 out of 3.

Now the Kugel is better against planes because of it’s protected crew, but against other tanks the Praga is insanely difficult to kill without HE and such, opposed to a Panzer IV.

Either way the Kugel sits at at a 33% winrate and a k/d of 0.4 against air and 0.2 against ground.
Praga has 0.5 and 0.4. not significant obviously but that’s double the ground k/d of the Kugel.

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I’d like to see 6.7 with a full HVAP belt.
Similarly, the Ostwind and Ostwind II are massively overtiered and essentially useless as SPAA. However, then there’s the whirlwind which is massively undertiered.
It also would be nice to see an IFV SPAA around 5.7 similar to those of other nations, idk what tho.


6.7, fits the “theoretically if the war continued to 1946” vibes things like panther II and tiger II 105 give.